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Comment I just shot a roll of Kodak Gold 100 today (Score 1) 70

.. and I bet there are plenty of Slashdot users who still shoot film instead of, or in addition to (me) digital. Actually, I was going "mass market" -- I normally shoot E6 transparencies ("slide film"). Now *that* is a business that's fast disappearing.

True black and white film, however, will be around forever, as an art medium. It is much, much easier to make (some can actually do it at home), and there are several small-scale manufacturers in Eastern Europe, England, India and China, as well as Fuji, the Japanese giant. It has qualities that are difficult or impossible to produce digitally.

Comment Braudel (Score 1) 700

The Mediterranean in the Age of Philip II, by Fernand Braudel.

Braudel's book is a truly stunning/awe-inspiring/breathtaking summary of the nature and history of the Mediterranean and the lands surrounding it. Two volumes, and I think he gets around to Philip II somewhere in the second volume.

Anything Braudel wrote will be worthwhile and entertaining reading, but make sure that the translator is Sian Reynolds - she did a superb job, and I had the illuminating experience of reading some essays by Braudel that she translated alongside the same essays translated by someone else -- it was night and day.

Comment Where to get .mobi or .epub computer books? (Score 1) 242

Most free programming/systems administrator/etc. free books seem to be available only as PDF, which is pretty much unusable on a Kindle.

Does the Slashdot hive mind know of any sources for free computer books suitable for a Kindle or Nook (Calibre solves the epub to mobi problem)?

Comment Pat Frank's "Alas, Babylon" (Score 1) 1244

This is a post-atomic war novel, set in *and written in* the late '50's, recounting the experiences of a small town in pre-civil rights rural Florida after the bombs hit. Well written, well thought out, good characters, including good African-American characters who are not cartoons.

If I were teaching history to HS kids, I'd want to assign this to convey both the cold war and race relations of the period (just like I'd assign "The Unpleasantness at the Bellona Club" by Dorothy Sayers to convey the effect of WW I on British society).

By putting all of this "good for you" freight on the book, I'm afraid that I'm distracting from the fact that this is one hell of an entertaining read. I first read it as a teen; I'm now in my 50's and have read it probably 20 times and it stands up.

Comment Mack Reynolds (Score 1) 1244

An amazing writer. His "Joe Mauser" series posits a world where MegaCorps strive with each other by hiring mercenaries to fight strictly-limited battles that are broadcast on TV.

Thoughtful (he'd have been all over "reality TV" if he'd lived past 1983) , but also hugely entertaining. He also comes from a different ideological angle than most Golden Age SF authors - his dad ran for US President twice as the candidate of the Socialist Labor party, and he himself was a lifetime member of the SLP.

From Wikipedia:

His novels predicted many things which have come to pass, including pocket computers and a worldwide computer network with information available at one's fingertips.

Much of his work is downloadable for free from Gutenberg or the other usual suspects.

Comment Re:Expensive (Score 1) 418

It's actually even cheaper to get their eBooks through the webscriptions thing, but since that's basically a subscription to every book Baen publishes, you probably need to read a lot more than the one or two books a month that I do to make it worth it.

Actually, the subscription is equal to the price of three books. If I have two "definites", I can usually gambe that there's at least one good one in the remaining 4 or 5...

Comment Re:That's why I like the basic Kindle (Score 1) 418

...except DRM ensures that you are never actual in control of anything. You can't simply copy things. Your "library manager" is there to make sure you're not a pirate. It's not there to do your bidding. It's there to do Amazon or Apple's bidding.

1) Install Calibre
2) Install DRM removal addons from http://apprenticealf.wordpress.com/2011/01/13/ebooks-formats-drm-and-you-%E2%80%94-a-guide-for-the-perplexed/
3) ???
4) Profit!

Comment Re:Canon or Nikon (Score 1) 569

ALL lenses made for Pentax SLRs (film or digital) work with Pentax digital SLRs (no adapters needed).

How do you make Spotmatic-era M42 screw mount lenses fit on a K-mount Pentax bayonet (K1000 through current) - duct tape?

I agree that I can use my old screw mount lenses on my K100D digital, but it *does* require an adapter....

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