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Comment Re:History of Imported Labor (Score 1) 183

And this isn't about greedy companies. In all these countries the immigrant labor practices are _encouraged_ by the populist governments. It's insane.

No, it is absolutely about greedy companies. The government has tried to restrict the practice of migrant labor, but they always face strong opposition from the greedy, capitalistics, mostly Chinese owned businesses who prefer to pay slave wages to migrant rather than pay reasonable wages to locals.

Comment Re:Some people *do* pay for jobs, and quite rightl (Score 1) 183

I don't know about Malaysia, but wouldn't be surprised at all if that was the custom there.

No, it's not the custom here. With respect to the article, the payments are made by the migrant workers to the brokers in their home state, e.g. Bangladesh, before they step foot in Malaysia.

Comment Re:Expert:Ebola Vaccine At Least 50 White People A (Score 1) 390

Not everyone is afraid of death to the same extent. An atheist, who believes that there is no life after death, would tend to be more afraid of death compared to a religious person who believes that after death he would go to a better place. Think about it. If you believe that you would go to a better place after you die, why would you be afraid to die? What's there to be afraid of?

Comment Re:Expert:Ebola Vaccine At Least 50 White People A (Score 0) 390

Just look at the number of wars that have been going on in Africa. People who are afraid of dying generally avoid going to war. Although Americans have also been involved in wars, they only go to war with enemies that are vastly inferior to them and they always try to keep their casualties low. America use drones because their soldiers are afraid to die, but Africans use suicide bombers because their soldiers embrace death.

Comment Re:AIDS is good (Score -1, Flamebait) 64

Rape is already illegal. We should implement the death penalty for rape, then we'd also eliminate those people who were infected other people with HIV by raping them. As for the hospital staff, if we just make the decision to just leave the faggots and junkies to rot, then there'd be less risk for hospital staff to catch HIV.

Additionally, the infection rate would drop drastically if people would just stop fornicating.

Comment Re: Sexual Harassment Is Common In ... Everything (Score 1) 362

Maybe if you have been less lazy, you would have taken some time to read the Usage section in those two pages and would have noticed that while in the US English version it says, "should be avoided by careful users of English", in the British English version it says, "is regarded as incorrect in standard English".

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