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Comment Re:This one only "crashed" (Score 1) 258

Speaking as a non US citizen, when the first drone "accidentally fires" on a non-US citizen ???

Surely you are not implying that the rest of the world are somehow second class human beings?
The ethics of the use of deadly force should be invariant across borders, but this is not seen by many governments.

Comment Re:Needless? (Score 2) 361

Sadly, the stereotype of the isolated developer quietly sitting in the corner and coding away is sometimes true. I have worked with a few over the years, spent a year or 2 of my time bringing them out of their shell, and often see them slip away into isolation again. Unless you are working on a one person project, then it is essential that you talk with your co-workers. If you are not just a worker drone (and for your psychological health), you should have some basic social interactions with your colleagues. I have seen the end of the 'isolated hacker' road - somebody in their 40s who could not interact, and could no longer function in a group. He doesn't work with us any more. We practice variations on agile development methods here, and if you are not talking to people to discuss your work, you are not working properly. I have also seen people who roamed the building and socialised incessantly, seldom performing any useful work. Mostly they do not work with us either. To survive 30 years in development, you have to 1) be productive 2) be able to communicate verbally, and in writing, 3) be able to interact with people in a functional way.

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