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Comment Re:Exceptions in C++ (Score 1) 536

2. you lose context -- where did that "file not found" error originate from

Well, the main solution to that is of course to choose the appropriate scope of your try-catch blocks, but on occasion I've also found use for something as simple as:

string where;
try {
    where = "doing A";
    where = "doing B";
    B; // etc
} catch (...) { // print where

Comment Re:Summary shows poor understanding of evolution (Score 1) 253

I don't see any need to differentiate between man-made environmental change (e.g. availability of cancer treatments) and other.

In the current environment having a genetic tendency to get cancer isn't as much of an evolutionary pressure as it used to be, so this is more of a semi-benign trait that is being accumulated. This still fits into the punctuated equilibrium pattern...

Comment Summary shows poor understanding of evolution (Score 5, Informative) 253

In a massive study on genetic variation among humans, researchers found that most changes have occurred in the last 200 generations, too fast for natural selection to catch up.

This statement appears to reflect a misunderstanding of how evolution plays out in practice.

The way evolution is often taught is that the small genetic changes in each generation make a difference to the evolutionary fitness (relative to his/her peers) of the individual right away, but that the changes are so small that it takes very many generations to see divergence of sub-populations of the species and hence noticeable evolutionary change.

The reality of evolution - "puntuated equilibrium" - is different from this simplistic teaching model. What really happens is that genetic changes accumulate over very many generations but don't have much if any immediate effect on evolutionary fitness since in practice these small, incremental, personal changes are often not what drives evolution. What really drives evolution (per the inference of the fossil record) is when the *environment* (weather, food supply, disease, competitors, etc, etc) changes, often very quickly, causing accumulated genetic change to suddenly become relevant... what had previously been a benign genetic change (disease resistance or susceptibility, etc, etc) no suddenly becomes a huge change in evolutionary fitness in the new environment, and and the fate of different genetic subpopulations becomes very differnt (we see visible divergence).

This is "punctuated equlibrium" - long spans of no visible evolutionary change (equilibrium) are puntuated by brief spans of rapid visible change as accumulated genetic drift suddenly becomes relevant due to environmental change.

So... the notion of 200 generations being too quick for "natural selection to keep up" is bogus. Natural selection mosltly doesn't happen every generation - it only happens when those infrequent major environmental changes occur.

Comment Re:A couple of points : (Score 3, Informative) 232

3-7" of rain would be fine if it was all nice and spread out and just soaked into the ground, but water has a nasty habit of flowing downhill and finding its way into rivers...

The local river in northern NJ here raised its level by at least 10' during last years storm, resulting in the local highway being under 4' of water.

Comment Food too (Score 1) 398

For about five years I ate the exact same thing - pasta, with store-bought sphag. sauce - for supper every day. Once every couple of months I would get tired of it and make something else, then back to pasta.

I used to think maybe I was a bit odd doing this, until I found out that Jay Leno does the same thing!

I did this because food really isn't important to me, and the time to shop and cook was a big waste - I'm sure you can save more time and mental energy by doing this than just by not having to choose which shirt to wear every morning!

Nowadays I have a more varied diet partly because I'm married and my wife does most of the cooking, but we still only have a relatively small number of dishes that we cook (maybe 10-12).

Comment Re:"Not giving up his American Citizenship" (Score 1) 385

Yes, but they also state that intent may be gauged by actions (& statements). In practice I'd guess the US doesn't often use this rule because they want to keep taxing you (as a US citizen), but anyone looking to do this would be well advised to reseach it thoroughly before just assuming they'll be able to retain their US citizenship without qualifications.

Comment Client-side Linux (Score 1) 933

Saying that OS X killed Linux on the desktop is a misstatement at best since Linux on the desktop never became mainstream. You can't kill what's not yet alive.

However, client-side (but not "desktop") Linux is very much alive and kicking in the shape of Android tablets (Kindle, Nook, Nexus 7), and currently owns the small form factor tablet space. Apple is the one trying to play catch-up here with the rummoured upcoming iPad mini.

It's interesting to note that the success of Android is following the path led by Apple with OS X ... first on the smart phone, then on the tablet. This was an easier path to mainstream adoption since it wasn't fighting the entrenched desktop ecosystems head-on, but rather building a brand new (smartphone) market. In this vein it might be better to view Nokia's incompetence as the real killer of pure (non-Android) Linux since they were the only ones targetting a Linux-based smartphone. If Nokia had moved faster and followed a release early, release often" path (as Android did), they could well have been successful.

Comment Re:And? (Score 1) 346

Sure it (shorting against the box) can be used to defer/reduce taxes. That's one common use of it.

Say you have a stock that you'd like to sell, but you don't want to pay taxes this year. What you do is instead short it ("against the box" since you still keep your original shares), thereby locking in the current price. Since neither your long or short position is closed, you currently pay no taxes. Then, whever you want to take your profit (e.h. next tax year, or when you have offsetting losses), you cover your short position and sell your shares, thereby becoming liable for any taxes owed.

That the way to defer taxes...but you can also reduce taxes to ZERO by simply NEVER closing the positions.... You buy a stock (or get in in an IPO), then rather that sell it short againt the box, thereby getting your cash, and NEVER close either long/short position, thereby never incurring a tax liability. People actually do this - it's not just a theoretical tax hole.

Comment Re:No. (Score 2, Informative) 331

Not just for power users ...

In Linux it's simple enough to, say, mount your root (OS data) folder on an SSD and /home (user data) on a HDD, but Windows 7 isn't so flexible.

What most people (power users) end up doing under Windows 7 is to install the OS on an SSD, then use a "junction point" (cf Linux hard link) to redirect the /Users folder to a HDD (and reconfigure the Windows TEMP directory to be on the HDD to avoid killing the SSD with excessive temp file create/delete cycles). The trouble with this is that Windows 7 junction points don't play nice with restore points, as you'll find out when having to revert to a restore point and all your user data disappears requiring major hackery to restore.

So, for Windows 7, a HDD with built in flash cache is a MUCH more convenient solution than using a separate SDD - even for a power user.

Comment Re:SVM != AI (Score 1) 82

It depends on what level of (artifical) intelligence you're talking about. If it's amoeba level intelligence, then maybe ML can achieve similar results, but if it's rat or human level intelligence then obviously not.

I think most people take AI to mean something that could minimally pass a Turing test, not a silicon slug.

Comment SVM != AI (Score 3, Informative) 82

Support Vector Machines are just a way of performing unsupervised data partitioning/clustering. i.e. you feed a bunch of data vectors into the algorithm and it determines how to split the data into a number of clusters where the members of each cluster are similar to each other and less similar to members of other clusters.

e.g. you feed it (number of wheels, weight) pairs of a lot of vehicles and it might automatically split the data into 3 clusters - light 2-wheeled vehicles, heavy 4-wheeled ones, and very heavy 4-wheeled ones. If you then labelled these clusters as "bikes", "cars" and "trucks" you could in the future use the clustering rules to determine the category a new data point falls into.

This isn't Artificial Intelligence - it's just a data mining/classification technique.

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