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Comment Is it a searching problem? (Score 2) 239

A couple of researchers in Sydney think they've got a model for searching the genoma much more efficiently. They're trying to fund their research and development with crowdsourcing: http://rockethub.com/projects/4065-a-gps-for-the-genome : "The PASTE project [is] based on a new number system we call Permutahedral Indexing - P.I. for short, an N-dimensional map that efficiently locates and interrelates complex datasets in the space of all possible data. P.I. does this efficiently even when the data has hundreds of independent dimensions and comes in petabytes and exabytes."
They don't seem to need much money in the scheme of things - I might just throw in $25.

Comment Just give me a 95W X6 (Score 1) 101

I was hoping we'd see a 95W X6 available retail sometime soon. I want to build a mini-itx 6-core box, but these are typically limited to 95W parts. There is a 95W X6 manufactured, but it is not available retail (only to OEMS from what I understand).

Comment Antitrust (Score 1) 330

So, Google are leveraging their monopoly in search/advertising to break into the mobile platform market? Is this Google being evil?

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