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Comment Re:First Shot (Score 1) 380

The British had performed brutal actions more recently. Against the Mau Mau for instance. But they are so cunning in being at the winning side, that they can apply the "vae victis" principle over and over again. And they are morally inferior to the USA because they lack any self criticism.

Comment Re:The StackOverflow map is useless (Score 1, Interesting) 45

Let me explain. Someone writing c++ code declares some variables to be private in a class, and later tries to access them directly. Of course the compiler complains. Then the guy asks why in stackoverflow.
The answering sequence goes somewhat like this:
Bjarne Stroustrup says that it can not be done because... : -1 point
The c++ standard says that ... : -1 point
Bertrand Meyer explains that the concept of privacy is.. because.. : -1 point
Declare the variable public or use setters-getters : -1 point
In every instance, the guy who has more than 900 points, only answers : "It's not clear why, could you abound?"
Who wants to help when you are punished because of that? What means the grading system in such a place? Of course stackexchange is several quantum levels above.

Comment Re:The StackOverflow map is useless (Score 1) 45

My personal experience is that there are bullies in stackoverflow that use the points system to extort code. It's like High School. If you don't make my homework, I beat you. But shameless ignorance is the norm these days. The myth of education as a waste of time for programmers, is hurting. Who reads a manual before making a stupid question? That's studiyng, you are loosing money! In the Zuckerberg-Scrooge school.

Comment Re:The StackOverflow map is useless (Score 1) 45

Stackoverflow is a source of clutter in the internet. People that rushes to program usually make dumb questions in stackoverflow, and demand a solution, not an answer. Then they punish those that give answers and explanations. They, an their hoard, demand a working a solution, so they can go on improvising without learning. And that is what stackoverflow grading system represents: an ignorance correlation index. I have to add "-stackoverflow" to every internet query these days. So pervasive is their crap.

Comment Re:Honesty is never treasured in corporate world (Score 5, Interesting) 141

Whole cultures are based on that. The Spanish speaking world, my own, goes by this rule: one thing is what is said and faked and other what is thought and done. And what they hate the most from immigrants and visitors from other cultures is that they take what is said in its strict meaning. Believe it or not.

Comment Inherently unstable (Score 5, Informative) 293

As every electrical engineer knows, an AC transmission system is a quadratic-complex system. And in the sense of both the inherent complexity and the complex numbers involved. There is no energy storage in the system (no inertia), has noticeable delays, and it is tightly coupled. Only high redundancy and decoupling can make the system more reliable. But that is costly. Who wants to pay more?

Comment Humanists need science courses. (Score 1) 564

Societies are prey of people ignorant of science. They believe that any arbitrary model can be applied to a society, and they blame the common citizens if it fails. Look at the catastrophes that marxism and monetarism had produced. If you had taught physics to freshmen, you have found that most of them have a hard time grasping the mater and energy conservation principles. How much science economists and politicians know? That explains a lot of what is going wrong in this world.

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