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Comment VEGETABLES! (Score 1) 1397

I worked in a corporate enviromnent and the only way we could get a purchase order approved by the Veeps was to explain our variety of servers as the ingredients of a salad. LETTUCE was the main webserver (the "money" machine) and the other servers were named for other ingredients from the garden. ONION for database (layers of relational data) and RADISH for email (more than a sprinkle is an irritant) and SCALLION of logging (nobody ever remembers, but so much flavor)

We named workstations after fruits -- because we were an Macintosh department. Nobody got a workstation named APPLE, but I did get the laptop named TOMATO, because I worked on the vegetables as the sysadmin. Tomatos are fruits which are legally considered to be vegetables.

Good times, very good times.

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