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Comment Minecraft perfect intro for children. Parent++ (Score 1) 144

My nephew has been into Minecraft since he was 3/4 .. and now a few years later, he is modding, watching HOWTOs on YouTube and loving the Minecraft music videos (he even wants to produce his own) and has gotten a fantastic amount of experience with basic programming logic through pistons and redstone. The social aspect has even been positive--he enjoys joining servers and helping others.

As someone that learned to program at the age of 4/5 in C64 BASIC (copying games out of magazines line-by-line), I feel that Minecraft is the perfect avenue for empowering the developing mind in a way that will allow them to step back and consider a program's architecture/structure. Something that I feel is much more important than shoving syntax down someone's throat. (i.e. no kid likes cursive)

Comment Apple's product line (Score 1) 196

If you look at Apple's product line, their smart watch would probably fit in mainly as an iOS/OS X remote, letting you connect to all of your iTunes-account-connected devices. Apple TV remote (with accelerometer), autologin/unlock within range, notifications from all of your devices aggregated(?), GPS, maybe some way to access Spotlight on all devices and Siri to tie everything together. Apps would mainly use notifications to work with the device. Home automation and security systems could be interesting.

Comment Copyright as art, i.e the RIAA (Score 1) 258

The printed object itself may be unbound from copyright violation, but if the object is deemed art and the motion of the printer is considered the performance of said art, then will we inevitably end up with something like a Spotify for 3D printing? This would classify the live printing of the object as a violation.

Comment Bottom-up (Score 1) 254

Load up the UI/interface, find a very specific piece of functionality, and then find the UI hooks in the code and work backwards from there. Repeat for another function that involves something completely different, i.e. access control/data/rendering/logic.

Once you are comfortable with that process, you are ready to absorb from the top-down.

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