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Comment Re:So, is there any shred of EVIDENCE? (Score 1) 202

(Col.18).. .I found the god standing.. .he spoke to me: “I am Khnum, your creator, My arms are around you, to steady your body, to
(Col. 19) safeguard your limbs. I bestow on you rare ores upon rare ores since creation nobody ever processed them (to make stone) for building the temples of the gods or rebuilding the ruined temples”

Comment Re:Corroborating Hieroglyphics? (Score 1) 202

Nope! They are poured concrete, and now we use the same method to make landing strips in Saudi for the first Gulf War. You can land a c130 on them 48 hrs later. Nova had him cast 5 blocks in place in 1 day with 5 men. With copper tools it takes like 6 months just to cut one block. Who cares how they moved them, how did they machine them? Geopolymer answers all those questions and more.

The Pharos were also they only ones on the planet that knew how to make beer. The labor was paid for in BEER! They had two teams peer day that would race to see who could complete more blocks. I have no proof but I think the winning team got MORE BEER!

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