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Comment WTF UK? (Score 5, Informative) 360

It's like the damn island hasn't heard of the UN Declaration of Human Rights. "Whereas disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in barbarous acts which have outraged the conscience of mankind, and the advent of a world in which human beings shall enjoy freedom of speech and belief and freedom from fear and want has been proclaimed as the highest aspiration of the common people,"

Mario Balotelli, a black football player with a Jewish mother is suspended a game and fined 25k pounds for posting an anti-racist picture about a multicultural Super Mario.

Luis Suarez was essentially forced out of England for using the word negrito while speaking Spanish because it happened to sound like nigger. (While John Terry was given a sentence of half the time for using the word nigger in English.)

Crazy arse porn rules.

A man is threatened with life in jail for swearing too much.

And what the fuck is an Anti-Social Behavior Order?

How can the nation that brought us Locke also be bringing us this?

Comment Re:Mushrooms (may work with other drugs) (Score 1) 187

As a test, pan your head from left to right and notice the "jumpiness" that is reality. Now, eat about a half gram of shrooms, and do the same thing. It is no longer jumpy, and you get a REAL smooth pan.

Do the same test, but hold out your finger a foot or two in front of your eyes and move your finger with your head. Focusing on the finger, you now see a smooth transition of the background. The "jumpiness" you experience without it is simply your eyes trying to fix on any number of objects as you are panning (my layman's interpretation). I can get the smooth transition without using the finger crutch, by "defocusing" my eyes, but only panning left to right... I can't do it right to left. My guess is it has something to do with the years upon years of eye training, reading from left to right.

Comment Re:How ghey (Score 1) 44

If we start doing major exploration of deep space we're gonna need to use less ambiguous names for the sun and moon, as other planets may have a sun and moon.

We will never do major exploration of deep space where we get closer to another star than to this one. If we do, humanity can define two constants in file headers.

Comment Start with copyright (Score 4, Interesting) 116

Start with copyright and patents - these are by far most harmful regulatory areas that hold back our progress.

Still, not all regulation is bad. We could use more rules safeguarding our privacy. Presently, it is 'loot and pillage' with every Dick, Tom, and Harry from the Silicon Valley trying to insert themselves in the middle and start tracking you.

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This restaurant was advertising breakfast any time. So I ordered french toast in the renaissance. - Steven Wright, comedian
