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Comment How about forced upgrades! (Score 1, Troll) 492

I just did 2 new Windows 8.1 images and ran WIndows update. It keeps forcing 10 shitware on me! I tried creating and cancelling a reservation and it still tries to open WIndows update automatically to install.

No matter what everytime I reboot WIndows update keeps popping up trying to install Windows 10 automatically.

I guess if you imaged a PC before July 24th you were fine. UGH.

Comment Buggy as hell. No rush (Score 1) 187

Do not bother upgrading folks if what you have works fine unless you have a pyschotic episode with the flat look of 8.1 and can't find classic start.

There are many many bugs. Items do not fill in properly in menus. Adhock wifi not available, disjointed tiles in TV and music, Edge crashing, Edge having no extensions, poor battery life on the surface pro 3, One drive not having placeholders, Grove not having select all on playlists, .NET 4.6 JIT tail bug where arguments get scrambled, and many many others in just the first few days reported

This reminds me 0f XP. Yes, XP pre - SP1. XP was not considered God by users and IT departments in 2001. It was buggy and had compatibility and network probloems before SP1 and SP 2 was where it finally got somewhat solid.

Windows 10 has an unfinished and baked feel. It won't touch my systems until Redstone update 1 something later this fall ... or maybe next summer as I see it more as just hittting beta now as MS rushed this.

Comment Ok, well, let's give up then (Score 1) 129

Well, he seems to be saying a lot here The myth of startup success is just that: a myth. Declining infrastructure, a confluence of events, absolutely requiring the Big Lie merely for Silicon Valley to function. His conclusion is devastating and disheartening. So, seeing that he has proven his point, why don't we just give up? Silicon Valley is a failure. We need to change to a sustainable, workable system that provides benefits to everyone over the long run, instead of enriching a few people. Let's start turning the lights off and winding things down, everyone. It's over.

Comment Re:Cherthoff is a goddamned criminal. (Score 0) 82

You right-wing nutbags make me laugh, shaking your tiny fists in rage at your holy Constitution being violated like an altar boy after Mass. African-Americans had no voice in its creation, it's invalid by definition. The people who wrote it were slaveowners. It's time for your kind to fade into history. There, there, Grandpa, put down your gun, TEH COMMIEZ aren't going to get you, it's nap time now.

Comment Re:Passed data with a ton of noise? (Score 4, Informative) 391

Except that the $300 cable isn't grounded on either end, and shows a high level of crosstalk. So the arrows on this cable are just to make people think it's worth the $300.

This cable is better than a $2 cable: It's well built, and meets the specs - barely. But you can get $10-$20 cables that are as well built, and meet the specs with less margin for error (these literally tested as 'within the specs' by less than the margin of error on the testing device) easily.

Comment Re:HAHAHAHA! (Score 1) 231

When the signs and lane markers are covered by snow and ice it will just default to using the same markers everyone else is using; the crashed cars driven by idiot humans who thought they could see the lane markers.

Seriously though, no autonomous vehicle would be dependent on lane markers as the sole feature for positioning, you need to use a multitude of inputs ranging from using markers to using LIDAR to map geometry of the area, through projection of probable trajectories and even to using prior knowledge or map data of the road. You have to have a multitude of independent systems cooperating, validating and agreeing on the most likely model for the current reality. Any autonomous vehicle deemed safe enough to actually operate autonomously should be significantly more capable of reliably assessing the situation than the average human. If any climate presents a difficulty for the detection and navigation part (as opposed to purely physical performance limitations) for an autonomous car it should not be allowed into traffic as it's obviously nowhere near capable enough to trust with human lives.

Comment Re:Please (Score 1) 371

Its like saying "Hey, Chevrolet, you know your customers like the radio station set to 101.9, why cant you engineer your cars to respect their choice instead of forcing your nefarious 101.5 agenda."

Yeah, but this is a Mozilla car analogy we're talking about here.

In the current 2015.7 model, release, the UX team has decided that a 5-button hamburger menu on an AM dial (and only from 1100Khz to 1150KHz in 10KHz increments) is all that's needed. Users who want to access a wider range of frequencies in the AM band are free to write an extension or purchase a third-party radio head unit.

To further improve the user experience, we remind prospective extension developers that in the Aurora channel for the 2016.1 model year, the about:config setting for frequency.megavskilohertz has been removed, along with the FM antenna. The UX team has made this recommendation based on telemetry that suggests that few drivers actually listen to FM radio, especially since the 2013.6 model, in which the AM/FM toggle switch was removed because the UX team for 2012.1 felt it was cluttering the dashboard.

Comment Re:Decent interview. (Score 1) 90

Well, stuff like Netflix or iTunes might be a good example of successful innovation and monetization of online technologies.

For other stuff, it would be able being able to profit by "building a better mousetrap" without being sued into oblivion by protectionist cartels who want to keep the status quo (or patent trolls).

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