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Comment they aren't bright enough to have a pullback cable (Score 0) 99

geez, folks, a 1/16 inch steel wire cable along the umbilical would allow the robot herders to pull the clinker back and see what burned up. instead, the Gang That Can't Think Straight just sends haywire crap in and hopes to beat the odds and the physics. this is also a job for a vidicon, tubes, and light bulbs, not solid-state stuff. or considering the heat, an image dissector.

50 years from now, these guys will be repeating the same sophomoric mistakes and shrugging their shoulders.

Comment Prior Art Exists (tm) (Score 0) 187

I present... the Easy Button from Staples. let the lawsuits begin.

seriously... think about this... you are doing laundry. you set the 3-year-old inside the washer basket because it keeps the little whirlwind out of the way, she/he cannot fall and get hurt, and besides, you know how messy kids get with chocolate. bored kid looks around, up and down, and hey! -- looky! -- there's a little orange button on the wall that looks like a toy. whack-whack-whack-whack for several minutes until you look up.

how are you going to return three semi loads of Tide Pods?

BAD idea.

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