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Comment Re:All charity ends (Score 1) 370

Not sure how it is working out for us. What is the per capita health expenditures for people 65 and older in the US. I'd like to see that compared to other countries, since in the US we have a universal, government health system for people 65 and older. Wonder if we will find our government doing it better than others?

Comment Re:Of course, they never ask why EEs use these (Score 3, Insightful) 115

It has nothing to do with lazy or incompetence, lack of funding, lack of resources, and it has nothing to do with being against productivity, it is the biases in solutions. One example is the anti-mac thing that still exists, however the iPhone really upset that apple-cart. However, I would say this is all changing and cloud and consumerization of enterprise solutions is forcing the change.

Comment Of course, they never ask why EEs use these (Score 4, Insightful) 115

Employees often times use these tools because IT does not provide their employees with good USABLE solutions. When IT's answer to everything requested by employees is SharePoint, then EEs turn to other solutions. I can Citrix in which is a lame experience, or use something like Zoho, which is an awesome experience from a user perspective. Obviously, any solution needs to be vetted, but employees want things that work great, like many of the consumer products they use personally.

Comment Re:Foresight? (Score 1) 322

I would disagree. 1) Been 5 years since the iPhone came out. 2) Mobile growth has been exponential both in adoption and pace of innovation compared to almost any personal technology I have seen. Sure we are still in the early innings, but I hope anyone involved in tech recognized the potential at least one year after the iPhone release.

Comment Foresight? (Score 1) 322

"I applaud the government for having the foresight and initiative to develop a comprehensive strategy to advance of some of the most attractive attributes of today's communications solutions," he said in an email. "The strategy that they have developed, in collaboration with industry, clearly emphasizes the need to provide reliable, secure, and cost effective access to mission-critical and citizen-centric services anytime, anywhere."
Dude, the mobile revolution has been going on for years.

Comment New Miranda Warning (Score 5, Insightful) 358

You have the right to remain silent. You have the right to remain encrypted. Anything you say, do, or decrypt can and will be held against you in a court of law. You have the right to speak to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you. Do you understand these rights as they have been read to you?

Comment Re:Please don't take-away my Free TV (Score 1) 99

Not necessarily. Amazon;s whispernet lets you use 3G wireless free to download stuff you buy. There is no free lunch, you will have to give something up, watch an ad, free sub. But you do not necessarily need to have a sub. In fact, the governmnet could allocate part of the spectrum to public free wireless, and let people figure out ways to make it work - PBSg.

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