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Comment Re:About time! (Score 1) 306

35 IPv4 address is the same amount of data as ~9 IPv6 addresses. So I feel like you have the capability to remember them if you so desired.

Also your important services should be at well-known addresses -- like $PREFIX::1, just like people frequently use in IPv4 -- to make the addresses easier to remember.

Comment Re:Uh, grandparents might have some experience ... (Score 1) 355

So are you planning to reconstruct an unchanged society to loose these unchanged children in 20 years from now? If not I feel like maybe teaching them to use the social systems of their time might be valuable -- long ago children used to learn Middle English, but as it turns out technology changes (as does everything else), and children (and parents) much change with it.

I'm not saying that spacial perception will suddenly cease to be important, but the idea that children don't change is absurd.

/ As is the idea that all experience older people have is relevant or useful, or that all of the things younger people think they know better are wrong, or that either side is unjustified in their opinion

Comment Re:most lego's are a rip off (Score 4, Insightful) 355

It also fails to acknowledge that LEGO is itself technology -- relatively modern, high technology in the grand scheme of humanity -- or provide any meaningful distinction between "good" technologies like verbal language and "bad" technologies like iPads.

As with virtually all "kids these days" rants it's nothing more than an attempt to relive the past by forcing it on today's young people.

Comment Re:Militia, then vs now (Score 1) 1633

All of society is based on the idea of depriving people of their rights. We trade the right to murder for the right to be secure against murder. We trade the right to enforce our individual political will upon others for the security of representative government. We can debate which things we value and which trades we want to make, but the idea that there's some ideal "free" society is irrational.

Comment Re:Militia, then vs now (Score 1) 1633

They modified the Bill of Rights. Most of the proposed amendments went through without any trouble, in a very short period, without any significant public debate or interaction. If we're going to take intent into account we could reasonably presume that, while they wanted the process to be deliberate, they did not expect it to be arduous.

But again, the basis of your argument is "the Bill of Rights was enacted a long time ago, so we shouldn't change it", which is contrary to the revolutionary actions and contemporary self-governance that the authors of the constitution undertook. If we're going to honor their "intent" we should hold their ancient opinions in less regard and plot our own course.

Comment Re:Militia, then vs now (Score 0) 1633

I made no claim about the "intent" of the authors, other than that it was difficult to determine. I maintain that claim, as you've provided no counter-evidence, nor even a coherent counter-claim. The primary document is not terribly clear, provides almost no direct context or definitions, and was authored in a culture that very few people alive today firmly understand. The document itself does not have a single author, which further complicates the conception of "intent" because it's quite likely that the original authors did not fully share an intent even at the time it was written, just like most jointly authored documents today.

If that claim makes me corrupt I don't want to be subject to your conception of righteous. The idea that you can figure out what a group of people "really meant" by reading a handful of contemporary documents is ludicrous. It's almost as ridiculous as the idea that their intentions matter -- then as now only outcomes matter, as intentions are purely form of internal rationalization.

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