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Comment Re:Hilarious, but sad (Score 1) 441

Of-course I am against slavery and initiation of force by anybody, however it is the government initiation of force that is the most immoral of all, since it is the 'law of the land', so to speak, so you can be born into a system that prearranged your slavery within it.

So, in effect you're denying that there is such a thing as society, as comprised of the bulk wishes and desires of the country that you live in, and consequently the use of taxation as a redistributative economic measure? That's a morally/politically consistent position, even though I thoroughly disagree with it.

Comment Re:What took them so long? (Score 1) 212

The first step in security is to assume that your office network is the same as "the Internet": you don't know what's on there, it is full of malware and hackers, and they are actively out to try and get you.

Unfortunately, the office network is also definitely full of managers, and prizing a bit more convenience at the cost of "a little" more risk is a classic thing that managers order. They are also usually able to find people who will carry out the orders.

Comment Re:Cloud (Score 1) 241

You IT security is only as good as your control of the hardware!

But you have to let the users on anyway. If you manage to completely secure systems so that it is completely impossible for any data to leak, you'll have excluded everyone who has legitimate reasons to have access, and you'll have cost the company a lot of money in the process. You'll be seen as the weak point in the whole process and will get replaced with someone less expensive and more compliant with what the business needs.

Comment Re:hypocrisy (Score 1) 192

Also, lawyers and Microsoft combining to call the government a hypocrite? This is like a cesspool of double standards, each trying to be the worst.

The really big problem Microsoft has (and numerous other large US companies that run cloud services with datacenters in the EU, such as Amazon and IBM) is that if they give in with this, there will be lots of EU customers who will leave as soon as possible, and nothing that they'll be able to say or do will stop it short of relocating the company HQ and ownership structure entirely outside the US so the US government and courts really won't have jurisdiction (but will instead have to work through international treaties). This will be caused by the perception in the EU of overreach by the US, and the EU's generally fairly aggressive data protection laws.

At the very least, giving in on this will cost MS a huge amount of money to put right, and there'd be a real danger of an EU competitor being able to grow large enough to lock them out while they're sorting it all out (other US corporations would be in the same position).

Comment Re:Effort dilution (Score 1) 254

Swapping shifting hands and not turning on your wipers to signal a turn are the only parts most have to relearn if they swap styles often.

When you're dealing with an automatic, it depends on what the car manufacturer thought was a good idea for their brand image; there's no benefit at all to either side (but you need to pick one). With a manual shift, you want the signal lever on the opposite side so that you are able to signal while changing gear.

The windscreen wiper control appears to migrate from side to side with no technical considerations at all, and headlight controls are even more variable...

Comment Re:if ohshit (Score 1) 323

No it's not, it could easily be structured more understandably.

But if that caused a severe performance penalty, that wouldn't be a step forward. The success metric was to get the product shipping fast so that it could be sold over the Christmas period, not to make something that would be wonderfully maintainable for all time.

Comment Re:Coverage (Score 1) 216

But with people moving more into rual areas to retire, the bandwidth hasnt kept up with the usage, so now its down to voice only.

Sucks to be them if that matters to them. If they'd wanted good internet, they'd have not gone out in the boonies, but would have picked some nice small town that has just enough population to support good networking without the trouble of larger places. Instead, they trade that for lots more space; it's a valid option, even if not one that I'd ever pick.

Comment Re:Good For Him (Score 1) 74

In my personal experience, the older the legacy system, and the more embedded it is in your business ... the harder it is to replace.

But if it's that old, it's probably also massively underdocumented (if at all) and so if something unexpected happens, your ass is still hanging out the window. Producing the documentation of what was actually done is at least as valuable a part of a replacement project as the change to the new system, as it should allow someone to start looking at which parts are required, which parts are emulating interfaces (from both sides, usually) that could be de-layered for improved performance and capabilities with no down-side, and which parts are just dumb holdovers from a few systems ago that nobody needs any more at all.

Just because something is painful doesn't mean you can get away without doing it.

Comment Re:PR works well? Where? (Score 2) 413

By contrast Belgium's record of 18 months without a government as a result of PR should be a warning to us all.

Those who hope for a reduction of government meddling in their affairs will see it as a sign of true hope: the sky didn't fall in, despite the fact that the politicians couldn't agree on the most basic thing of all. Throwing them all out of office and only then starting work on the replacement would in fact be just fine...

Comment Re:States too are districts (Score 2) 413

In federal elections, state borders can be considered as districts causing the same kinds of distortions.

Maybe, but the effects are less severe because state lines are enormously more difficult to change for short-term political advantage. State-level gerrymandering requires sustained visible policies that affect migration and/or birth rates over decades.

Comment Re:Nuclear is Clean (Score 1) 235

It's not too hard.

It's the long-lived toxic nucleotides that are the real problem. Keeping something safe for 50 years isn't too hard (particularly if everything is vitrified and kept as small pellets so you can use passive cooling) but keeping it safe for 5000 years is a massive headache. So how should we deal with them? Bombard with more neutrons. Like that, they transmute into something hotter which will decay away much more rapidly.

Comment Re:Hide your cables (Score 1) 516

Not if you have a short circuit. In that case the cable is gone.

What's the likelihood of that happening, versus the likelihood of something happening to an above-ground cable? Note that you should be thinking about putting the cable well down so that you're unlikely to hit it by accident, just like with water and sewage infrastructure (though even more like gas, if you're in an area with it piped in). Heat dissipation isn't a big deal with domestic supply; you use reasonably thick cabling and aren't really carrying that much current in the first place in normal service.

Comment Re:Are they REALLY surge protectors? (Score 1) 236

I think there's probably less of a problem with voltage drop in electric power circuits built to European standards (and even more so with the massively over-specified UK standards) as the higher voltages mean there's less current in the wire and so less of an impact due to the resistance of the wire itself. That eliminates a lot of the local problems (e.g., due to having kitchen appliances) or reduces them to the level where the switch-mode power supply can usually compensate easily.

I don't know whether the quality of the power delivered by the utility is better. It is for me, but I'm not that far from a major hospital and a major Grid node (and the wires between are underground). I don't pretend that that extends to anyone else other than my immediate neighbours.

Comment Re:"Random" (Score 1) 78

And, similarly, "chaotic" is not an explanation, either.

Would you accept "inherently impossible to predict any significant length of time ahead"? It's all very well to pick on the reason for the unpredictability (be it quantum uncertainty or extreme sensitivity to initial conditions because of non-linearity) but at a functional level, the outcome is similar: some stuff just can't be predicted in detail long term, and will continue to be like this whatever we do.

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