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Comment Re:It's not a "moral dilemma" to a Clinton (Score 1) 609

Here's a different one she may have broken,

Apparently, after leaving the the department you sign this form (

1. I have surrendered to responsible officials all classified or administratively controlled documents and material with which I was charged or which
I had in my possession, and I am not retaining in my possession, custody, or control, documents or material containing classified or administratively
controlled information furnished to me during the course of such employment or developed as a consequence thereof, including any diaries,
memorandums of conversation, or other documents of a personal nature that contain classified or administratively controlled information.
2. I have surrendered to responsible officials all unclassified documents and papers relating to the official business of the Government acquired by
me while in the employ of the Department or USIA.

If she signed that she lied and therefore essentially lied under oath.

6. I have been advised by the interviewing officer whose signature appears below and fully understand that Section 1001 of Title 18, United States
Code, provides criminal penalties for knowingly and willfully falsifying or concealing material fact in a statement or document submitted to any
department or agency of the United States Government concerning a matter under its jurisdiction.

Comment Re:What difference does it make? (TM) (Score 2) 609

Are you touched in the head? Seriously? Bush did it, so let's not worry. Wrong is wrong, Bush got away with it, fine. Let's not let another person get away with. Particularly, the person who called the Bush administration corrupt and full of cronyism over their email scandal (she did this in 2007 btw).

Comment Re:Makes sense (Score 1) 315


FOIA request can be made for any agency record.

Since the private email server is not part of the agency record, a FOIA request can not be made on it. I don't give a shit if you're an AC pretending to be some non-civilian. You apparently don't have a clue. FOIA requests are for public records, not private records. Her email server is a private record, so to get at it, you must have subpoena. The only hope you have with a FOIA record in this instance is that she didn't leave out any important emails. But good luck at getting anyone to willingly give up for record keeping incriminating emails.

Comment Re: The Clintons (Score 1) 315

Just so we're all clear:

1 Vice President of the United States
2 Speaker of the House
3 President pro tempore of the Senate
4 Secretary of State
5 Secretary of the Treasury
6 Secretary of Defense
7 Attorney General
— Secretary of the Interior
8 Secretary of Agriculture
9 Secretary of Commerce
10 Secretary of Labor
11 Secretary of Health and Human Services
12 Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
13 Secretary of Transportation
14 Secretary of Energy
15 Secretary of Education
16 Secretary of Veterans Affairs
17 Secretary of Homeland Security

Comment Re: The Clintons (Score 3, Insightful) 315

Of the four Sec. of States that were around for email usage in the White House (Clinton and earlier). Two did not use email, Albright and Rice. The only other Secretary of State that used email was Colin Powell. He's admitted that he used a personal account for at least some of his official business. His emails are lost he says. Remember though, he was Sec. of State between 2001 and 2005. The means all of his emails are at least 10 years old by now.

More importantly, what previous holders of the office did does not matter here. Why? For at least a couple reasons. First, the push in recent years is for transparency. If previous holders did actions that are considered bad under the need for transparency and record keeping then continuing what they're doing is not right. Arguing that the previous guy did it and saying that absolves you of responsibility is wrong. Second, And pay attention here, Clinton in '07 in a speech railed against "secret emails" of the Bush administration, calling it cronyism and corruption; and then saying more transparency is needed. It's incredibly hypocritical to talk about that and then do what Clinton did.

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