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Comment Re:Pointless classification. (Score 1) 83

Gas giants usually occur outside the "Goldilocks" zone. So those moons would be ice cold. Ignoring that. You have a object that is not always being hit by the sun, as the moon would be going through the planet's shadow. And then, you have that moons tend to be tidally locked to the planet.

Comment Re:Why not gas giants too? (Score 1) 83

That's a pointless debate. Prove that life can exist there and maybe the debate is meaningful. Further, there's no sense in spending time exploring a gas giant over an earth like one for intelligent life. You go to the earth like planet and find no intelligent life (or life), oh well. But there's still a chance you could colonize it. The gas giant there's no second place for not finding life.

Comment Re: Thanks, assholes (Score 1) 573

You're right that the scientific method is not moot when one is studying the issue. But that's not what's happening here. We're not sitting down with a computer, collecting or chunking raw data. We're debating an issue. It's not scientific, it's logical maybe, but not scientific.

I sincerely apologize for the confusion I seem to be giving you. But I was only commenting on the last bit of your comment involving your science professor. Your professor was right, science isn't meant to prove things. It's meant to say, here's what's happening. If what's happening doesn't match what you thought was going to, the next question is, why is this happening? Wash, rinse, repeat until you can form a hypothesis that will be correct. But science is not what's being done here.

Comment Re: Thanks, assholes (Score 1) 573

Woah there skippy, I think you're overreacting. I'm not making an argument about whether more guns equals less violence. I'm merely pointing out that this is more akin to a debate scenario. First person merely has to present proof to support their claim, not prove the proof is proof. The person arguing against the claim must deconstruct their proof.

  You can't just say, well it's statistical data so you're probably wrong and then dismiss the claim. And it isn't a scientific hypothesis, so any definition of proof per scientific terminology is moot.

Comment Re:Not doing what they're thinking (Score 1) 573

No, it's just the printing press was invented 300 years prior to them. And what Gutenberg's press did was enable the Bible to be produced in the vernacular for more people. Helping to cause the Protestant Reformation. It also enabled academics to print papers, etc. Leading to the scientific revolution and Enlightenment period.

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