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Comment Re:Sure (Score 1) 208

And considering the long and illustrious history of the NSA flat out LYING to the American people, Congress, and even the President himself; I wouldn't trust them to actually implement any change even if Congress passed 100 laws mandating it and the President made a pinkie promise that they were going to follow them.

Shit, I wouldn't trust them if they told me if was daytime outside and my watch read 1 p.m.

I was thinking about the same thing.

"Read my lips, NO NEW PHONE TAPS."

Comment Re:And it still has the GIL (Score 1) 196

Basically the whole design of Python was so any part of the runtime can be overwritten at runtime, i.e. monkey patching.

I think the big problem with Python is all the hacker types who think it so cool to swap out bits bits of the runtime at runtime just because you can. Now this leads to some truly incomprehensible and unmaintainable code.

Agreed, but stated differently: I wouldn't blame the language design as much as I would blame the 'hacker' types.

I am glad the capability is there. Consider it a frontier....maybe we'll strike gold, maybe we'll waste time digging holes.

Comment Re:And it still has the GIL (Score 1) 196

Those stats are just for submissions to codeeval challenges. I believe python is about 7th on the chart, while C/Java top it. Then C++,C#,PHP. Even Obj C is widely used due to iOS. I find it impossible to believe that python has a 30% share...but that would be nice.

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I've noticed several design suggestions in your code.
