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Comment Re:Ahem... (Score 1) 613

All through highschool and college, I had girls date me because I was a "hot hunk of meat"--when they realized I was much deeper than that and the fun wore off, they'd move on.

Reverse the genders and all a sudden it's sexist. People judge you for your looks? Welcome to the real fucking world.

Now excuse me, I'm going to go watch Gandalf talk about the Mill CPU architecture.

Comment Re:Woman in Tech Here (Score 4, Insightful) 613

It's pretty obvious: They use the bottom 5% of all men to generalize and demand laws to reduce things like male violence and rape--for the other 95%.

They use the top 5% of men to generalize, campaign, and demand laws about reducing men's success--for the other 95%.

If you did that with the genders reversed, it'd be called sexist as hell.

There are strong men, there are weak men, and to assume that every man somehow knows how to negotiate, step up for himself, and get a wall street job is insane. At the same time these feminists are arguing that gender is a spectrum, except when it's "evil men who control everything." It's laughable.

Comment ATTENTION SLASHDOT (Score 1) 613

If you don't stop posting this "men need to fix everything for the poor coddled women", you're going to lose thousands of your readership SOON. One more article, and I'm gone--and I'm taking my dollars with me.

My wife doesn't want your goddamn help. She wants to be treated as an equal--which means she's strong enough to take care of herself without you constantly trying to tell her she's broken and needs men to change the system so that she can get a job. Women don't need men to fix things. Women are strong. Women need themselves, and healthy relationships with their opposite sex to succeed--something you don't fight for at all.

Unlike your modern peers, 1st and 2nd-wave feminists ALREADY WON because they weren't morons. Equality is here, and you're doing everything you can do lie to us, and remove the confidence women have in their abilities, just so you can keep funding your bullshit Women's studies degrees. Like constantly talking about rape culture when rape has been steadily declining since the 70's, and rape is LOWER on campus than off campus.

Look at 3rd wave feminism. It's "gender feminism." They're not even talking about helping women get equality in laws anymore--it's all "gender gender gender." Why? Because the real equality is already here! So they have to make up new ways to make people think we're not equal.

You don't go after women's magazines, after Yahoo news, after women-attacking-women venues because you want women to be broken so you can sell them the snake oil solution. Just like when you guys did NOTHING while Britain ran human smuggling and rape of young Muslim girls because they were brown and didn't fit your "white male oppressor" narrative. Just like your numerous celebrity "let's shame women who don't identify as feminist" smear campaigns.

You don't actually care about women at all, and society will remember you for what you are: Fascists and domesticated terrorists.

Comment Agile is treating the wrong problem. (Score 1) 507

The problem isn't that many programmers don't know how to use Agile methods. The problem is that many programmers don't know how to think critically.

If you have a terrible HR process that allows morons into your company, then no investment, no snappy buzzwords, not nothing is going to make them change how they fundamentally approach problems. By time you graduate college, 99% of people are already set in their ways, and within the first few years of working, the rest have.

It's like my Differential Equations 2 teacher in college said. "This is not the class to learn fundamentals of problem solving. If you've come this far and still haven't learned to solve problems, there's nothing I can do in this last semester to fix you."

Comment Re:You cannot know *WHO* is voting (Score 0) 258

That's a big law thing. It's way harder to prove someone's "intent" than it is their actions or conditions.

War on Drugs B.S. aside: That's why HAVING drugs on you is a crime, not planning to use them. It's easy to say there are drugs in the car, it's almost impossible to prove you intended on using those drugs.

Disclaimer: I am not a lawyer.

Comment Re:Love me some FM (Score 1) 244

Dive into source code? Maybe my time is more important that sifting through poorly structured directories full of 500 source code files each, and the 8000 instances of that variable that grep reported back.

If people spent a mere 5% of the time they spend coding an API designed to make something easier, on actually documenting that API, then their actual goal of making something easier would be more effective. Time is money, and the more time people have to waste "re-inventing the wheel" of merely learning what your code does, the more useless your code is.

How many times have you downloaded a project, only to discover they didn't even give you instructions on how to compile or link the damn thing in your project? How many times have you seen a project not list their dependencies so you get to play a 15 minute game of "find the packages"?

I mean, how can we even discussing the idea that documentation doesn't matter? Is this the real world? Am I dead and in hell?

Comment Re:most techies will perceive it that way (Score 0) 461

>I've personally found that the majority of people don't really make any judgment on having an AOL address but people who are tech oriented tend to think the person is backwards for using a really old service that's associated with old times, not as much storage or features as some newer entrants (e.g. Gmail, etc.)..

What about all the people that can ONLY get AOL in their rural areas (the Comcast "go fuck yourself" zones)? It seems strange to think less of them for living in the wrong place.

Comment I posted once but... (Score 2) 371

...I'm going to come at this from another angle:

Instead of focusing on Firefox, let's focus on Netflix for a moment. Who the hell needs Netflix to pirate? 99% of things on Netflix are published elsewhere first. Netflix is equivalent to syndication--the guys that play stuff after it's already been premiered.

People target the services that premier shows for privacy. They don't wait 2 years for it to show up on Netflix to THEN pirate it. They go to the source.

Lastly, Netflix already rents out DVDs--which can be easily pirated and show up long before they hit online Netflix!

The only thing this could protect would be Netflix originals. So my point is this: It's either to fulfill contractual B.S. with their media providers, or, it's a complete waste of money that accomplishes nothing. My money would be on the former, though, because lots of stupid things like this are the result of "pleasing the customer."

Comment I sent one. (Score 4, Interesting) 44

I sent an FOIA request on myself to the NSA for fun/curiosity. (Technically, it's "Privacy Act" request when you're doing yourself.) It's pretty easy.

It took them three pages to tell me, "Go fuck yourself." Every line was peppered with "this doesn't acknowledge the existence, or lack of existence of any records relating to you."

Their whole reason for denying my request of "any applicable records" was: because the NSA program in the news is classified, any records caught by the program are also classified. Except that any records not found by a classified method wouldn't be classified by that logic (Google, anyone?). So in otherwords, it was like I said, it was more of a "Fuck you, peasant" letter.

Comment Re:Fired! (Score 5, Insightful) 353

Seriously, I'm blown away by the amount entitlement in those words he posted.

You want to make something you own? Use all the knowledge you have from your job (you own knowledge unless they contract otherwise), work AFTER HOURS, and replicate the functionality.

If you become successful using work, or work secrets, you WILL BE SUED. Until you're successful, they won't notice you--so you'll think you got away free. The lawsuits come when people have money to get.

The guys that made the MOS Technology 6502 didn't steal from Motorola in the crazy sense the OP is suggesting. The only thing any of them did was quit Motorola to start their business, and one engineer took some documents he wasn't supposed to. Motorola sued the balls of them under terms much "nicer" than the OP suggests doing, and their lawsuit was said to have a "plausible chance of winning." Their investor left. They were running out of money (regardless of whether or not they were right), and had to settle--likely under terms that were worse than if they were financially stable enough to continue fighting.

Comment Re:Non story, headline should read (Score 1) 213

Isn't it fucked up how "powers that be" will take any news and use it for their agenda, even when the people actually "at risk" are not worried at all?

You never think about it till they get a hold of your home town and you go, "Wait, that's not at all what we think! We're not all southern slobs / rapists or tech/woman/man/cop-hating hippies / etc."

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