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Submission + - How common is malicious code in Wordpress themes and widgets? (rawcell.com)

Cypher, Lou writes: I ran afoul of the recent "social-media-widget" plugin malicious code and after googling around looking for a fix I found more reports not just of widgets but even themes Malicious Theme
It was my understanding, or maybe silly assumption, that in order to submit a theme or a widget to Wordpress there was a code review process.
Is this getting what you pay for or is it reasonable to expect that free software should not contain little surprises that hijack your website to feed objectionable material or is it buyer beware?

Comment Re:Barrel and slide/bolt too? (Score 1) 625

I find it very interesting that a discussion about creating weapons that are 3D printed turn into a discussion of whether or not Obama is doing his job or is a liberal or not. People think the next revolution is going to happen in their own back yard. It's totally ridiculous to think that even a million people armed with hand guns that are 3D printed out of ABS plastic are going to take on the United States Army, Air Force, and Marines. A million people like that would have the same speed bump equivalent of our solders in South Korea stopping North Korea from invading South Korea. By the way I 3D print models in ABS plastic and trust me they are brittle, you don't want to have an explosion happening inside a piece of ABS plastic. The thing would have to have 1/2 inch thick plastic to withstand even a few shots. In the future the materials may be better suited for the purpose. In fact I have a material that may be up to the task, but further research is necessary. Practical guns are still 5 years away from 3D printing. Which is a good thing after reading the comments here. The revolution people really need to get bigger weapons, munitions like bazookas and things before they become any deterrent to the US government. (I suppose people feel it would be a great thing for everyone to carry around their very own bazooka?) I for one think that taking weapons home from the shooting range shouldn't be allowed till the age of thirty and not then until their is a thorough background check and psychological evaluation. It's a fact brains are not fully developed until the age of 30. I wonder if the Boston bombers would have been able to pass a psychological evaluation? My guess is NO! As for a background check, the US Government failed in that respect the Russians told us they were dangerous and we ignored them.

Submission + - Out Goes the Gas Engine, In Comes a Biomass Renewable Trillion Dollar Industry (bioenergycenter.org)

wanfuse123 writes: The combination of recent super capacitor battery discoveries previously covered by Slashdot combined with Percival Zhang's cheap Hydrogen production method, I predict will render the gasoline engine obsolete within 10 years. Percival Zhang not only shows a cheap way of producing Hydrogen from biomass, but also demonstrates that using carbohydrates to store the Hydrogen until the car releases the Hydrogen safely and efficiently. "Hydrogen gas – a small, energetic molecule that reacts with many materials – is difficult to store and to transport. His solution is to produce reactive carbohydrates – that is, carbon-hydrogen-oxygen molecules – at a biorefinery using local biomass resources. That product, a carbohydrate, would be the hydrogen carrier. No complex infrastructure required. You could buy it from a grocery store or dry goods outlet." His discoveries conform with the Department of Energy 2017 Ultimate Solutions Criteria of 300-500 miles on a single tank. Percival Zhang has made a huge contribution to the production of hydrogen from biomass. The name Percival comes from the old French. Invented by a medieval poet in the 12th century for one of King Arthur’s nights whose virtue was so great that he alone could retrieve the elusive Holy Grail.

Submission + - I Predict, the Gas Engine will be Obsolete within 10 Years! (rawcell.com)

An anonymous reader writes: The combination of super capacitor batteries combined with Zhang’s cheap Hydrogen production method, I predict will render the gasoline engine obsolete within 10 years. Zhang not only shows a cheap way of producing Hydrogen from biomass, but also demonstrates that using carbohydrates to store the Hydrogen until the car releases the Hydrogen safely and efficiently can produce a fleet of vehicles that conform to the 2017 Ultimate Solution target criteria of 300-500 miles on a single tank for all light duty vehicles (small SUV’s and cars).

Comment Google's Ability to Penetrate into the market (Score 3, Interesting) 408

Without raising some investment so that Google doesn't spend all their funds in one place, Google would need outside investment to roll Google fiber over the whole USA. I think what they are doing effectively as the article points out is putting pressure on the ISP's to roll out more at less. If they strategies well enough, we might all be running over 1GB connections. There has been a new development in fiber which is able to carry the entire worlds data over one piece of fiber over long 200 mile distances. This has never been achieved before. This makes it ever more possible that the cable companies could provide high speed service to everyone for cheap cost. http://rawcell.com.

Comment Re:Apple sales as well (Score 1) 1010

What's killing PC sales is the phone not Windows 8, what's killing Apple is the competition in the phone markets and the fact that people are buying phones instead of PC's. In the case with Apple they are replacing their Apple desktops with PC's. Oh, if anyone is interested in Previewing Windows 8 on VirtualBox you can see a video on it here without buying anything. You can use Windows 8 BEFORE starting to buy and BEFORE you overwrite Windows Windows Vista or Windows 7. Only thing I warn people about is Windows 8 is best used with a touch screen and most PC's from those era's didn't have touch screens. This is a big short term problem with Windows 8 and a bad miscalculation on Microsoft's part.

Comment We have no choice but to... (Score 1) 42

That's it we have no choice but to develop quantum entaggled particle chips that violate the causality principle that way we can have remote connections to a central server that is un-hackable and can also use energy at very high efficiency, and at speed of light speeds. http://rawcell.com

Comment Obama Administration's NOD to Nuclear Power (Score 1) 189

I was happy to read last week that the Obama administration seems to have been reading the blogs about the mass deployment of modular generation IV reactors. I hope it was brought to their attention by my "We the People" petition to study the efficacy of a plan to convert all coal plants to LFTR Nuclear Reactors but that is probably just wishful thinking. They said that they would be deploying 50 300 MW reactors every year starting in 2050 maybe sooner if they can get the technology right. Unfortunately this is far short of the 5 year start time that I feel we could do with a Manhattan style effort. I came to a capital cost figure of 1.6 Trillion for the conversion process but have recently learned that this figure could be over costly by a factor of two which would bring the figure to 800 billion in capital costs if the new data is right. I believe it is totally worth the 23 Billion dollar effort to make it happen and will try again with another "We the People" petition when they integrate my suggested "Facebook Authentication" into their site. Hopefully with enough signatures we can make this study happen and make the results fully public in all aspects of it's execution and findings.

Comment Re:The same reason there no more anti-war protests (Score 3, Interesting) 227

I wrote an article on the Ulterior Motives: That killed the best nuclear solution to date for the US for nearly seventy years. That solution is LFTR Nuclear Reactors, If it hadn't been for the Oil industry, Nuclear Bombs, and Other Alternative Energy Movements, we would have a nearly endless supply of safe and cheap power. It goes to show you spreading FUD does pay off. Every time I post a message about LFTR reactors someone inevitable says something that is unfounded. Being as impartial a write as possible, I always entertain the arguments by giving them counter arguments which takes a lot of time from research for the defense. Nuclear is a solution and a good one. One the US would be smart to invest in. It would kill the Global Warming problem in 10 years with the right effort with the least environmental impact of any solution that can be deployed to date.

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