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Comment Re:Russia is invading eastern Ukraine (Score 1) 272

Until someone can prove that the referendum was done under duress, or the vote was rigged, why will no one accept the Crimean's decision?

I would consider my country's government being occupied by foreign military forces a pretty good sign of being "under duress". Also if the occupying force held a referendum where status-quo was not an option, it would be pretty easy to argue that I am being forced to go down one of two paths that I do not want.

Maybe things look different from the perspective of the Crimean populace, and maybe this really is what the overwhelming majority wanted. But from outside it certainly doesn't seem legit.

Comment Re:if it's so advanced (Score 1) 1374

But what is the point of mandating that police use it? Nobody on the selling side of this product is advocating forcing this gun on the populace. This is a private company selling a particular product to a particular market. That market is probably gun owners who have young children.

Nobody is forcing anyone to buy electric cars today either.

Comment Re:It Won't Work (Score 1) 353

Not to mention the whole idea is based on the silly assumption that a driver who give rides will use the service themselves to distribute their credit to other drivers. What is the use case where a person who give rides would need to use the service to get rides? I'm sure there are scenarios that fit but surely not enough to support this business model.

Comment Re:Without her permission? (Score 1) 367

I suggest you re-read my comment. You seem to have inferred that I am somehow defending the school's specific actions here. I was responding to the parent's suggestion that the only thing schools need to worry about is teaching.
1) Right, it NEVER happens... except it does. Maybe you're thinking of physical bullying?
2) As I said in the GP, I agree this incident was overreach. 3) As I said in the GP, I agree this incident was overreach. 4) As I said in the GP, I agree this incident was overreach. 5) As I said in the GP, I agree this incident was overreach. The only thing I said that was specific to this incident was that it was overreach, which you clearly ignored.

Comment Re:Without her permission? (Score 1) 367

Most school boards have a mandate to prevent bullying, and the facebook comments probably fall under this category since it was made by a student of the school about an employee of the school. That it occurred outside the school is irrelevant, because the school must provide a mentally healthy workplace for both the employee and the student. I agree that the specific incident is overreach and not a good way to resolve anything, but there is very likely some legal responsibility on the school's part to deal with the conflict.

Comment Re:Here's how to secure your "Internet of things" (Score 1) 106

Fridge: Can track things like how old your milk is, and text you to bring some home.

I realize you're grasping, but why would the fridge need/want to do that? Unless your milk is somehow hooked up to sensors in the fridge that monitor its freshness, you are only getting texts based on some data you input into a system somewhere. In that case you might as well use an app on your phone to track it, and remove the risk of someone hacking your fridge and spoiling your food.

Comment Re:Wales full response (Score 1) 517

I had chronic neck pain for a long time, and tried a lot of different things at the advise of my GP. At one point he recommended I try seeing an osteopath (I had never heard of that field prior). I went to the osteopath, who recommended a neck manipulation performed by him - an aggressive yank of my head to either side which could produce an audible crack. He would do it one to four times or until he heard the crack, and then afterward lead me through some brief exercises for deep-neck muscles. He told me that it would likely take 3 visits to see results. After 3 visits without improvement, he told me it would probably take a few more visits. After 3 more visits without improvement he said the same thing. At this point I realized I was just income to him and never went back.

It turns out my chronic pain had something to do with my sleeping position - I learned to sleep on my back and am mostly pain free.

Comment Re:Pay more in taxes (time to bitch) (Score 1) 409

We used to see this behaviour quite often in the transit union in our city which encompasses all city bus drivers in Ottawa. Several years ago there were a number of public scandals where drivers were caught on cellphone video doing something illegal. I specifically recall one incident where the driver had a newspaper spread out over the wheel while driving. The union's public response in every single case was to spring to the driver's defense by denouncing the videos as a violation of the driver's privacy and completely brush aside the safety risks.

Now, in my office, I haven't heard of this kind of "defend everyone at all costs" behaviour, but managers are definitely fearful of it.

Comment Re:Surprised? (Score 1) 259

it's my intention to build such a forest, build a home within it for myself, and another for my daughter and each of my future children.

And as you slowly replace your forest with your children's homes, and your children build more homes for their children, etc, etc... you end up with overpopulation. You are proposing the same solution as every one else - more efficient use of existing resources. The problem is that eventually you will maximize your usage of those resources but your progeny will continue to propagate.

Comment Re:Mexico City tried this... (Score 1) 405

America is neither a country nor a continent when there is no context, and it is not the official name of any of those things. Mlts clarification was justified. To say that because you colloquially refer to yourself as America and therefore everyone else also must do so is... stereotypical I guess. I'm sure you'll assume I'm biased because I'm Canadian, but we don't normally refer to our southern neighbour as America either, we usually call it "the US" or even "the states". But then we probably do so just to piss off everyone that demands we call it America :)

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