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Comment SubjectsInCommentsAreStupid (Score 1) 386

I thought it was the creeping feature removal and the preference of design over functionality.
Just look at those huge, uninformative, intrusive and ballbusting new android 5 notifications as opposed to the perfect ones we had before.
Mind you, i'm not totally against material design at all but at this stage i find it... "hillbillysh".

Comment SubjectsInCommentsAreStupid (Score 5, Informative) 139

Will you ever get it right? Will you ever get the fucking title right?
They did not fail to predict.
They said we (yes, i was there at the time) could stay home since the likelihood of a strong earthquake was not heightened by the preceeding MONTHS-long swarm.

Comment Re:SubjectsInCommentsAreStupid (Score 1) 549

I do realize the time scale and i agree about the need of having a "backup humanity". I'd go as far as having colonies way outside the solar system too. Though i don't think these colony can rely on confined habitats. I don't think they can be self-sustaining. Too many things will go wrong. At most they can be good up to a thousand years (very optimistically speaking) but after that you're gonna need a proper planet to thrive, especially if we're talking millions of people.

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