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Comment Re:You can do this in Java already? (Score 1) 149

But then you are creating a game you usually never write all the code from scratch. Instead you base it on some game engine or game library (LightWeight Java Game Library in the case of Minecraft). If the game library works on a certain platform it's very likely that your game will too, if it was written with basic portability in mind and no unnecessary platform specific assumptions were made, At least it requires very little effort. Especially if it was tested on either OSX or Linux it will probably work on the other since they are almost identical (from a programmers point of view). With C++ you have to compile one binary for each target (OS/processor combination) apart from that it's not very different from Java in practice.

Comment Re:286? (Score 1) 464

There are also two forks of Linux called uClinux and ELKS that run on systems without MMU (like 286 based computers, iPod and Nintendo DS). Of course they lack memory protection (which simply requires an MMU) and therefore also basic security.

Comment Re:Need more sub-definitions (Score 1) 602

Research has lead to the conclusion that the current categorization between Asperger Syndom, Kanner Syndrom (infantile Autism), Atypical Autism and High-functioning Autism is flawed. It might be beneficial to people with an AS diagnose, but not so much to some people with an HFA diagnose. There is actually no evidence supporting separate conditions. What first appears as Kanner Syndom can develop into HFA, which is indistinguishable from AS (apart from the language development history). So individually tailored treatment based on the current categorization is suboptimal compatred to the new model, based primary on two variables: intelligence and langauge development. Of course everyone who works professionally with this has to relearn (which I guess is the downside of all progress), but among professionals this change in DSM has been expected for a couple of years.

Comment Re:Developers not using Linux (Score 1) 94

Unlike locked down systems (like xbox or iphone) Linux, OSX and Windows let users download and run whatever they want. It's true that Linux distros usually also has some kind of packaging system for distributing updates, managing dependencies and let users easily browse available software. How can NOT having that be considered a feature? It's not like Apple or Microsoft are willing to push updates for third party games through their official operating system updates any faster, or even at all. Instead games can, after being manually downloaded and installed, update themselves in exactly the same way on any Linux distribution, OSX or Windows. For example Minecraft does this and it works just fine.

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