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Comment Fuck The Olympics (Score 1) 232

Video games shouldn't be added simply so they're not even more stigmatized by the public and the media. The International Olympic Committee stands for nothing more than corruption and the breeding of children into pets that can do very specific tricks, win a medal, and 1) make money by being the face of sponsored cheap processed human chow if they're very lucky and good, or 2) fall into obscurity after training their entire life to be good at one arbitary physical activity. It's a human version of the Westminster Dog Show, but with slightly less inbreeding.

Comment Re:I hate electronics consumer culture (Score 1) 269

Yes, if you're going to partake in frequently updating your consumer electronics, at least have the decency to sell or give away your old stuff. Reuse beats the hell out of recycle. Given the explosion in mobile phones for impoverished peoples (India and parts of Africa immediately come to mind), people will happily buy any phones. Manufacturers are currently rushing to create the perfect $30-40 smartphone, but donating an old Nokia sitting in your closet can help hold someone over until someone perfects the cheapo smartphone, if not satisfy all of their immediate needs.

Comment Re:Wrong conclusion (Score 1) 269

Android phone user here (Oneplus One), most Android phones have fucking terrible DACs, short of HTC's devices. And your Archos tablet in question is very uncommon, using the same sorts of tiny HDDs that the iPod Classic used. Almost all Android devices I've seen besides Archos tablets all use flash storage which rarely comes larger than 64GB on high end devices, and currently even if other PMPs have microSD slots supporting 128GB cards, the iPod Classics can beat them in capacity. The only portable (as in pocketable) music player than I know of with decent build quality, storage capability greater than 128GB, and a good DAC is the iPod Classic.

Comment Re:Just play minecraft instead (Score 1) 138

There are above-ground collapse messages when cutting down huge multiple z-level trees, so I think it is actually feasible to have that happen. Of course, things like "the entirely of your region down to Hell being able to be supported by a single support attached to a single lever" is still a thing, but more for Fun purposes.

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