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Comment Re:I would want some kind of compensation to stay (Score 2) 113

In particular because they should recognise that the customer has all the power there. I normally won't cancel a service I'm using because I'm using it so it takes a lot to make me cancel. If I can't use the service, though, they should recognise how fragile their hold on me is.

Comment Ok, ok, I believe you know about game design (Score 5, Funny) 134

MVP and F2P eventually passed into regular industry jargon along with a boat load of other terms. Most every company involved in the space now talks about DAU, LTV, ARPU, ARPPU, ARPDAU and even ARPPDAU. They talk about performing cohort analyses. Some of them ask whether they are working on an MVP or an MDP? Most don’t really bother discussing viral K-factors any more, and instead obsess about the CPA of players. These are significant changes for an industry that used to worry more about Metacritic ratings.

Jesus, some executive just had a seizure on that guy's keyboard.

Comment Re:Works on programmer's computer ... (Score 1) 449

To translate things into terms that the slashdot audience may have an easier time understanding: The failure to reproduce a software bug on the programmer's system is hardly evidence that the software is fine.

It is still quite possible -- even likely -- that the software bug, or flight computer anomaly, is not caused by what the user thinks it was caused by. People are very good at finding patterns, but that includes spurious ones as well as real ones.

Although this is absolutely true, I hope you'll agree that it's not -- by itself -- a good reason to go out and do the thing you think might be causing the problem. It's certainly why we should keep looking for a definite culprit.

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