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Comment Nowruz (Score 2) 157

In western culture, the vernal equinox. To the Persians, New Year! Also, the name of a fantastic IPA made by one of my friends. The headlong rush of brighter, greener days, and a beer to boot. What's not to like?

Comment NJROTC in highschool (Score 1) 525

I was in the citizen-training arm of the Navy in high school, and also Civil Air Patrol. But I grew out of it before making the mistake of signing up for the real deal. The structure was nice during the high school years, but I realized I didn't need structure for its own sake anymore once I got into the big wide world. Props to our folks in uniform though; the blank check they write to the American people, up to and including their lives, is one I don't have the balls to draft. My service is instead in the classroom.

Comment I'm a teacher now (Score 0) 524

Better off, because 4 years ago, I was working at a vet clinic, living someone else's dream for far below standard wages. It took three more years to finally get the energy (12 hour shifts and backbreaking work) to apply to an MAT program, financed by the bank of Mom.

I'm living Romney's scenario--the very anathema of how life should be. "Borrow money from your parents," he says, the guy who has never had to worry about money in his life. I just got hired as a Latin teacher, and can finally finance my own education. I teach in the public school system, though, so I must be one of those 47% parasites he went on about.

Man, fark Romney. I'm not lauding Pres. Obama here, but no one can claim that Romney's the better candidate. I'll be voting for Johnson, since I'm in NC and we're fairly unlikely to swing for Pres. Obama this time around. (I voted for him in 2008, before the pile of ruinous compromises.)

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