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Comment Urban material internet (Score 1) 309

That's what I'd make. Tube mail, autonomous micro rail, urban cannon relay network, whatever works. The goal is to move small objects efficiently and cheaply around cities at 200 km/h from any building to any other building. Most cities are less than 10 km in radius and the average transport from anywhere to anywhere else in the city would take about 90 seconds, meaning that you don't need to stock anything at home. Supermarkets can shut down - their role can be filled by an amazon / ebay-like service. Items are shipped directly from supplier. Fresh bread from the baker, meat from the meatpacker, produce from a distributor that buys directly from farms. We would skip 2 or 3 levels of storage, distribution and profit. Things would be fresh and cheap. Any small supplier would be able to distribute to a whole city with a single outlet. We would liberate the work resources of hordes of shop employees and transporters, free up large swaths of premium property, reduce traffic and waste.

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