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Comment Good Riddance (Score 1) 233

My 2013 Fusion has been in the shop for 3 weeks in this last round of fights over the failed software. My temperature setting went to 'upside down question mark' which turns out to be extreme cold (extra cold in a Michigan winter). Finally, somewhere between 00 degrees and 2^1 degrees I found a the only heat setting... 'magma plastic burn smell hot'. So I took it in, they reloaded the software and I lost all center console controls (physical buttons) and no heat at all... and lost heated seats too. I can't blame the dealership, they connect the car to Ford servers and pray for a perfect connection to a shitty update process they have little control over. Not having my new car for nearly a month over a bad update makes me feel like software warranty should come standard with a new vehicle. This glitch was supposed to cost me $1100. Cost me about $100 in the end after the dealership and Ford ate the majority of it.

Comment My buddy beat him and me to it... (Score 1) 182

He did it on the 25th with liquid Nitrogen right before I planned to. It wasn't dangerous. I've worked and played with it plenty without incident thanks to the Leidenfrost effect. Where you do run into problems is where the copper lines are cooled with Liquid Nitrogen or Helium. You're not going to want to touch your tongue to that even on a triple dog dare.

Comment The details for nerds part is missing (Score 1) 68

I'm a backer. I'm a backer because LeVar made my childhood awesome and I'd like to pay it forward. I also trust LeVar more than I trust where my current tax dollars are going. However, I'd like to see more details concerning the grit of how he's going to do what he's trying do to. Where is all of this money going? Is the majority paying for licensing of books? Is a third going to software development? Is $750,000 going to researching best methods of teaching kids?

Comment Re:There is already a solution... (Score 1) 1198

Not only is it painless, but it happens on accident and the person can be completely unaware that they need to do something about it. tl;dr version: "Accidental nitrogen asphyxiation causes about eight deaths per year in the United States... After a number of accidents in which humans suffocated in nitrogen without any warning, the suggestion was made in 1995 that hypoxic atmospheres be used for the humane killing of humans."

Comment The Cutting Edge (Score 1) 180

"Our taxis have always been on the cutting edge of technological innovation, from GPS systems to credit card readers." The cutting edge is what that used to be... If you were to be always on the cutting edge you'd have at least one example from the last decade perhaps?

Comment Re:Bandwidth is great (Score 1) 165

Thank you. I have comcast (before and after moving) and this explains a lot. I'm constantly dropping skype calls (while enduring terrible quality) while getting a 30mbps 5ms speed test at the same time. I'm paying 45USD for 6mbps in Michigan. I get 30mbps somehow and it acts like 256kbps on anything that isn't Facebook. Honestly... this should be it's own /. topic. If I don't get what I pay for... how could I even begin to prove it and help change their shaping of my internet? Thanks again!

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