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Comment Re:30 hours per week? (Score 1) 523

It's not that I know for certain, it's that you don't -- certainly not when it applies to anyone other than yourself. Telling me or anyone else here what would or wouldn't make them happy is the height of arrogance. Saccharine coated feelgood thoughts like "family", "helping others" and "appreciating what you have" may work for you, that doesn't mean they work for everyone.

Comment Re:30 hours per week? (Score 1) 523

I have a great job that I enjoy in the easiest environment possible (home). I'm in the "bank always in the black, don't think about it" category. However, having enough money that to ensure I never had to work again, while maintaining or improving my current standard of living, would certainly make me happier.

The happiness of being able to sleep until noon every day if I so desired may be a small measure, but it's not nil, as is the happiness of never having to consider the possibility of losing my job (and thus my income) when planning for the future.

To paraphrase one of your own replies here, No, you only THINK it would NOT make me happier.

I assure you, your opinion is wrong, and trying to speak in such broad strokes while citing the plight of a few lottery winners isn't even enough of an argument to qualify as anecdotal.

Comment Meanwhile.. (Score 1) 63

..haters gonna hate. "You do crime in 3rd person in a city.. OMG GTA RIPOFF". The only games that have been ripping off GTA... are GTA sequels. SR2 and SR3 are both better than any GTA game ever made, except the first, which of course I still own for PC. Sadly I no longer have a 3dfx/glide card to enjoy it with.

Comment Anything but X (Score -1, Offtopic) 337

When you're on the bottom, the only way to do is up. It would be difficult to build a new GUI and do *worse* than X11, though if that's too difficult for Canonical I can't say. If they take direction from XP, OSX, and Win7 it may be good. If they all have eyes glazed over by words like "mobile" and "cloud" and take more direction from Android, iOS, and Win8, it may well be worse than X11.

Comment Re:Most recent? (Score 3, Informative) 416

The "less technical" meaning is meaningless. Basically when the media or average person says "ice age" they mean glacial maximum, or more personally, ice sheets extending from the pole to... wherever they happen to live.

We will be out of the current ice age when Greenland and even Antarctica are ice-sheet free... Which is the normal (average) state of the planet. Cool glacial periods, like the one we're in now, are the exceptional periods vs. the rule Average global temperature, geologically speaking, is about 10C higher than present. The cool periods when ice sheets are possible tend to only last a few million years at most, separated by warmer (than now) periods lasting a hundred million years or longer.

The next glacial maximum may be 50,000 years off. If we cut CO2 concentrations to 2/3 current levels, the next glacial maximum may only be 15,000 years off.

Comment Re:Prevent flexibility instead of fixing root caus (Score 1) 529

Is there a point buried somewhere in there? If you're an honest person, you'll do your job if you're going to cash your check, hate it or not. If you're a dishonest person, you'll collect the money and then whine about not being "motivated" enough to do what you're being paid to do. It really is that simple.

Comment Re:Prevent flexibility instead of fixing root caus (Score 1) 529

Funny. I thought what caused people to slack off was a shitty work ethic. If you need 'motivation' beyond your paycheck to do your job and do it well, perhaps you're more suited to the position of walmart greeter than you are to an IT role : remote or local. Disclaimer: I've been working from home for the past 3 years.

Comment Re:Cellulosic ethanol from switchgrass (Score 3, Insightful) 419

1. Switchgrass average production: 14.6 tons / hectare

2. Ethanol 100 gallons/ton

3. Total land area (not arable, total for CONUS, period) 766 million hectares

Total fuel production per year: 1.1 trillion gallons

Gasoline and diesel consumption in 2011: 200 billion gallons.

So you tell me. Do you think it's realistic to convert 20% of the total land area of the country to switchgrass production? It would certainly make sense to use it to replace corn, once the technology matures, but it's never going to replace petroleum unless they figure out a way go grow it much more densely without raising the cost of production too much. There are better alternatives to solve the oil crunch than plants-as-fuel. CNG is one. LPG is another.

Comment Another pie-in-the-sky plan (Score 4, Insightful) 419

What is with these people that think we can meet any reasonable amount of our energy needs, nationally or globally, with alcohol? It takes literally seconds to look up the maximum arable land in a country, determine how much fuel you could make if you used all of it at 100% efficiency, and then see that this is nowhere near enough fuel to replace gasoline. During this exercise you're allowed to ignore the impact this would have when that land is no longer available for current purposes.

Until there are major advances in where this stuff can be grown, to get the energy produced per acre much higher than it actually is, and prevent "simple" natural disasters from ruining entire crops for the season, this stuff is never going to take off no matter the hype.

Comment Got layered security? (Score 1) 510

Anyone with a WAP connected directly to a LAN deserves *exactly* what they will eventually get. External firewall, internal firewall, and the area between them (the DMZ) is where the WAP belongs, if it belongs on your network at all. Chances are, it does not.

As someone who's worked for a defense contractor, wireless devices were not restricted when I worked there, because there was no on-site wireless access. Anything that had a camera or could act as external storage *was* restricted though. Check it in when you get to work, pick it up when you leave. This is not a bad policy for non-governmental entities either. Only the me me me generation thinks they have any legitimate need (or "right", *snort*) to have any personal devices of any sort with them when the are *at work*.

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This restaurant was advertising breakfast any time. So I ordered french toast in the renaissance. - Steven Wright, comedian
