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Comment Re:mememe (Score 1) 35

I should learn how to read. Taken from the quesstionnaire: Experiment ideas will be considered acceptable by ESA if one of the following criteria is met: 1. The proposer is affiliated (e.g. post-doc or professor) to an academic institution i.e. university or research institute 2. At least one partner (academic or industrial) in the consortium is based in a country belonging to the EU, Switzerland or Norway 3. The proposer is affiliated to industry

Comment Re:The War On Common Sense (Score 5, Insightful) 167

Here in The Netherlands winter doesn't automatically means snow or temperatures below zero. So you can't see that roads are slippery. More often than not it's just below zero. The problem starts if it drizzled during the night and you only have ground frost. Then you get black ice. Which you don't see. Of course, if you walk towards your car you might know roads are slippery, but that doesn't guarantee that all roads are (or aren't) slippery.

Comment Almost all work by Stephen Baxter (Score 1) 1365

But especially Titan & Evolution. Books in the Xeelee sequence mostly have negative endings, but at least some humans thrive in it. Read Stephen Baxter sf (not the alternate history novels) when you want a downer. Nice if you're a teenager, but as a grownup (haha) I want some more positive, nicer, books.

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