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Comment 72 hour roadside suspensions work better (Score 1) 203

If people know there is an 80 percent chance they will be stopped, forced to park their car, and not able to use that car for three days (72 hours), or any other car, they will stop doing certain risky things.

The certainty of an immediate penalty is more important than the severity of the penalty.

Stop molly-coddling car drivers. Most of the urban roads were built for bicycles and pedestrians originally.

Submission + - 86.2 Million Phone Scam Calls Delivered Each Month In The U.S.

An anonymous reader writes: Phone fraud continues to threaten enterprises across industries and borders, with the leading financial institutions’ call centers exposed to more than $9 million to potential fraud each year. Pindrop analyzed several million calls for threats, and found a 30 percent rise in enterprise attacks and more than 86.2 million attacks per month on U.S. consumers. Credit card issuers receive the highest rate of fraud attempts, with one in every 900 calls being fraudulent.

Submission + - In Turnabout, Disney Cancels Tech Worker Layoffs (nytimes.com) 2

An anonymous reader writes: It was previously reported that Disney made laid-off workers train their foreign replacements. The New York Times reports that Disney has reversed its decision to layoff tech workers after it caused an uproar with the public, two investigations by the Department of Labor into outsourcing firms, complaints to the Justice department and calls for an investigation into the H-1B Visa program by Senator Bill Nelson.

Submission + - British Government instituted 3-month deletion policy, apparently to evade FOIA (thestack.com)

An anonymous reader writes: In late 2004, weeks before Tony Blair’s Freedom of Information (FOI) act first came into force, Downing Street adopted a policy [http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/d42d3c68-141d-11e5-abda-00144feabdc0.html — PAYWALLED] of automatically deleting emails more than three months old. The IT decision has resulted in a 'dysfunctional' system according to former cabinet officials, with Downing Street workers struggling to agree on the details of meetings in the absence of a correspondence chain. It is still possible to preserve an email by dragging it to local storage, but the relevance of mails may not be apparent at the time that the worker must make the decision to do so.

Former special adviser to Nick Clegg Sean Kemp said: "Some people delete their emails on an almost daily basis, others just try to avoid putting anything potentially interesting in an email in the first place,”

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