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Comment Re:So sad (Score 1) 135

I heard a story about how a store called to reveal how some girl was pregnant just from her shopping patterns. They figured this out by data mining, and her father was pissed. These companies say they can figure out stuff like this. That means they can figure out that you have AIDS and you're gay, or that you have cancer or herpes or whatever. That information is sold around and then insurance companies and drug companies can exclude you from clinical trials that would save your life because they think you'll mess up their numbers or cost them too much. Or how about voting? That's kind of tracking for profit is unethical.

Comment Re:There's an obesity epidemic (Score 1) 488

This is what I think:

The reason people are fat is because the Stop Eating signal takes time to release and people are still able to eat even after they've had enough, and even still after receiving the Stop Eating signal, and even when they aren't hungry. You can see this after a certin age. Kids will stop eating when they're full but adults will eat however large a portion is served to them.

And then the food we're eating is contributing because it's dense in calories without much fiber or substance and promotes obesity.

Then the obesity itself may mute insulin and hormone responses, making people eat more.

I don't think it's caused by starvation. A lot of people indicate a sort of point where they stop being hungry after starving and then maybe even a euphoria. There might be an addictive quality to starving for some people who are susceptible to anorexia. I'm not sure, but your theory is wrong in my opinion.

Comment Re:There's an obesity epidemic (Score 1) 488

This article simply states that chemicals in the body seem to cause you to be hungry and sated via a feedback mechanism which is supposed to regulate itself.

It does not say that starving yourself causes the feedback mechanism to fail and instead make you unstoppably hungry. What should happen is starving yourself increases the Eat signal, and then feeding yourself triggers the Stop Eating signal. And that is what happens. Just like all the other endocrine feedback mechanisms. You produce one hormone, and then another hormone tells you it's time to stop via that hormones release.

Some people, such as with Prader-Willi syndrome, are always hungry and you usually have to lock your food up, but that's a rare disease.

The article is mainly pointing out how dysfunction and or feedback of the signaling in the body suggest what the chemical signals are doing and that they may be involved in regulating feeding and energy stores, and when the signaling is dysfunctional it in theory could cause obesity, and maybe even anorexia.

You're going to have to do a lot more to prove a causal link to fashion advertising causing obesity.

Comment Re:There's an obesity epidemic (Score 1) 488

Maybe you should learn how to establish causation before you blame all the problems of the world on pictures of thinness.

You mentioned Occam's Razor on another article. For starters, the obesity epidemic could be from what people eat, as opposed to some complex theory that boys and girls who see thin people, then feel inadequate and starve themselves, which then causes their body to instead rebound and become obese in mass hoards.

Isn't this issue something that's supposed to affect girls more than boys? Yet obesity is a problem for everyone. And in fact, studies show that people in thin Asian countries who migrate to the united states become fat, and that it's probably because of the food. Other studies show that American fast food is infiltrating thin cultures and making them fat.

What is more likely the explanation? And do you have millions of dollars to put into actually proving it with real research instead of flimsy correlations?

Comment Re:What about OBESE models? (Score 1) 488

Is it the advertisers that are making boys less interested in anorexia and girls more, or is it that girls are more predisposed to be neurotic about their bodies and guys don't care because of the nature of how boys and girls are? Until you prove that regulating pretty will make girls hate themselves less, and that guys won't be competitive naturally without outside programming, you shouldn't be in charge of regulating stuff. What research I've heard was that girls have some serotonin thing that makes them anorexic or something. Not sure it's true, but nature is responsible for a lot of the way people behave and not advertisements.

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