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Comment Re:GUI apps vs. desktop components (Score 1) 134

Huh. The glitchy desktop is the thing I hate most about Windows. I need Windows for some of the software I need to run under it, but gods I wish I could replace the buggy platform I'm running them on with one of the stable, spiffy desktops I use when I boot into Linux (and still have them run well; sorry WINE).

Comment Re:Traditional (Score 1) 62

the strengths of traditional compiled languages....zero-overhead Java platform integration

I never thought I'd hear someone say that Java integration is a traditional strength of compiled languages...

...and you didn't. The text you quoted neither says nor implies that that's a traditional strength. (In the text you quoted, the word traditional is used as an adjective modifying "languages".)

Comment I hate these misleading statements... (Score 4, Insightful) 388

... caught trying to deliver schematics for an aircraft carrier to the Egyptian government.

No, he was caught trying to deliver schematics for an aircraft carrier to the FBI. Since he thought he was trying to deliver them to the Egyptian government, that makes him a scumbag, but let's not pretend an actual crime that would have occurred without the FBI's action has been thwarted here. They didn't step in and stop something bad from happening, they just found some guy who likes money more than ethics and made a good headline out of him. Arguably doing so maybe has some deterrent effect, but don't misrepresent what happened or blow it out of proportion.

Comment Re:Had a realization (Score 1) 390

I just realized that all of JJ Abrams' movies are the same style. That only hit me while seeing this trailer.

I don't know where you get that with this trailer. It looks like every other SW trailer that I have seen.

Yes, but, as has been pointed out, that's because SW is a very good fit for JJ Abrams' style. This kinda drives that home.

Comment Re:Almost made it ... (Score 3, Informative) 48

The mission did not succeed in most of its stated objectives. By definition that makes it a failure.

It's not a complete failure, and we can learn from what failed to attempt to design future missions to avoid these particular failure modes, and we can even celebrate the successes that we did get from the mission, but we cannot truly call the mission as a whole a success.

The mission did not fail in most of its stated objectives. By definition that makes it a success.

It's not a complete success, and we can learn from what failed to attempt to design future missions to avoid these particular failure modes, and while we can lament the failures that did occur, we cannot truly call the mission as a whole a failure.

Comment Re:Do they have choise but.... (Score 1) 473

Single player was part of contract that backer bough...

There is no such contract. When you back any project on Kickstarter, you're agreeing to fund the game and (if it was part of the package) receive a copy when it's done. There's no contract for specific features, things can change in development, and all you're guaranteed to receive is the game when it's done, with whatever feature set it ultimately ends up with. Programs often don't have the exact feature set on completion as they were estimated to have at the start of a project, so they make sure their estimated feature set is not set in stone as part of any contract.

In any case, the game still supports single-player mode. It just requires an internet connection, since it's getting data from the servers as it goes.

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