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Comment Re:Oblig. Monty Python (Score 0) 131

I just wish it had happened to YOU when you were born. Then I wouldn't have to deal with trolls like you. That's right, trolls. You dried-up-cunt type PC thugs are making it impossible for anyone to have a conversation of any kind without "offiending" someone like you in some way, thin-skinned douchebags that think the world should stop every time you sneeze. If you had your way, humor would be outlawed and/or impossible because it would always offend someone somehow. You PC assholes love to try and make people walk on eggshells, ready to cry foul as soon as someone missteps.

As I said, there is a LOT in the world that is wrong right now, even *gasp* things more important than YOU and your easily-offended sensibilities. Not some stupid gaming shit, perhaps that is the peak of your world worries. Is it bad, yes, of course, no fucking kidding, that's not the issue. We have a LOT worse to deal with. Real, important shit, like we are about to have a new old war in the Middle East, the USA govt is rampant and unhinged, Russia possibly even more so. I could go on, but it's enough to say that people are dying in real, large numbers and not just two unlucky infants in a pool of millions.

Just stay away from Slashdot entirely. If my humorous post so deeply disturbed your shit then some of the trolls here that are really trying ought to give you a sheer heart attack. And maybe, that would be a good thing. Good riddance to the likes of you. You make the world a worse place by your heavy-handed and misguided efforts to tilt the world view in your direction and to make sure that no one has ANY FUN AT ALL, WHATSOEVER.

I hope my diatribe lived up to your wildest dreams, sweetie.

Comment Re:Oblig. Monty Python (Score 5, Insightful) 131

"Won't somebody think of the children!!" Cry me a river, then piss off. We all have plenty of much more serious stuff to fret over than a couple of losers that made a bad decision. The sheer stupidity and rarity of the action makes it ludicrous enough to be surreal - it makes a joke of itself.

Lighten up, Francis.

Comment Re:That's How I Know I Got Old (Score 1) 340

There is one place better than on the ground. In the air, at about 1000 feet or so! I was lucky enough to get a reservation at the John Hancock tower restaurant on the 95th floor some years back.

This was in Chicago on July 3rd (when Chicago sets theirs off) and they are sent up from the water on barges just off the shoreline at Grant Park, near Navy Pier. They go up 600-800 feet to detonate typically, so you are nearly on eye-level or slightly above with the explosions! They are only a few blocks away so they are really BIG! Unfortunately, the windows are so thick on the big buildings, there is little to no sound to go with them, but they do pipe in the simulcast music of the CSO playing the 1812 Overture in sync.

THAT was the best way I ever saw fireworks!

Comment Next Door to the Freak Show (Score 1) 310

Balancing a Compaq luggable and an MCS-8051 full in-circuit emulator on top of a cigarette machine in the vestibule of a restaurant next to a Methadone clinic in Brooklyn, New York. I was writing answer-detection and rate tables for a pay telephone for which I developed the hardware and firmware. After getting things right, I burned an EPROM on-site and it was good to go. This was back in about 1986 or so...

Comment Re:Accept no computer you don't control (Score 1) 221

Apparently, then things have changed a bit since I tried them, mine was a Roku 2, and admittedly it was a while ago. However my experience with them was sufficient to sour me on them permanently. Mine would play via USB, but not through the LAN to my storage servers without a paid app to do it. I still don't like the idea of embedding my credit card info into yet another device and/or company, though.

Thanks for the update!

Comment Re:Accept no computer you don't control (Score 2, Informative) 221

Why, did you get one of those piece of shit ROKU boxes? I had one, for exactly one day. Turns out the piece of shit was directly engineered to separate me from my cash. The first thing it wanted was a fucking credit card so they could start happily billing me even more for the device I just paid $100 for. The final straw was after digging through it and all the stupid "apps" for it you have to buy, I finally figured out the only way it would play my LOCAL MEDIA that I specifically purchased it for was to BUY A FUCKING APP to do it for $4-5 bucks. That did it.

The POS went back the next day flat, and I bought a WD-TV Live box instead. It did everything I ever wanted it to do, and it supports LOTS more a/v file formats, way more than the ROKU did. It will play .ISO DVD images directly, and understands .AVI, .MPG, .MP4, .MKV and whole host of other formats. The WD-TV Live was one of the best purchases I have made in the last few years. ROKU sucks donkey balls. Maybe they fixed this in later software upgrades, but somehow I doubt it, as I said it seemed engineered to drain my wallet, primarily...

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