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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 8 declined, 1 accepted (9 total, 11.11% accepted)


Submission + - Linux Foundation launches kernel dev roadmap

kwabbles writes: The Linux Weather Forecast was launched today, along with "current conditions" for kernel development, a "short-term forecast" and a "long-term forecast". Now developers and organizations that want to see when certain implementations/fixes are planned can look at this informative and handy site. orecast

Submission + - Linux Kernel (stable) released

kwabbles writes: From the kernel mailing list: "[the -stable team] are announcing the release of the kernel. This release has a few bugfixes so all users of the 2.6.22 series are encouraged to update to it. Especially people with laptops, they will appreciate the power savings in this release."

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HELP!!!! I'm being held prisoner in /usr/games/lib!
