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Submission + - Tracking you using your public transit farecard (boston.com)

Karger writes: Back when they started introducing electronic fare cards for public transportation, some privacy advocates expressed concern about big brother tracking you through them (Richard Stallman encourages people to swap them around to defeat tracking). Most of us probably thought they were being paranoid. Here's a case where that's just what happened. Arguably in a good cause this time, but obviously the same technique can be used for evil.

Comment He's half right: we're teaching the wrong math. (Score 1) 1153

Ramanathan is right and wrong. Wrong that we don't need to teach math; right that we're teaching the wrong kind. Calculus, and even trigonometry, are powerful mathematical frameworks that few people will ever use. On the other hand, logical, statistical, and economical reasoning are essential to daily life. Euclidean geometry is a beautiful way to teach logical reasoning, but most schools get caught up in the geometry and fail to recognize the value of teaching people to reason logically _in general_. A course on "statistical fallacies in the newspapers" would be way more valuable than a course on differentiation and integration (and the source material is limitless). Nowadays, given the prevalence on computation in everyone's life, a course on basic programming would also be of greater general value than the math we teach now.

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