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Comment Re:Yep. (Score 2, Informative) 649

what I've learned, is the state will abuse its power regardless. teaching creationism or its obviously inspired brother intellegent design, is nothing more than brainwashing of the first degree.

So your really arguing private dictatorship vs public dictatorship. In this case it boils down to harm reduction and the lesser of two evils.

Comment Re:compromised log-in credentials (Score 1) 34

because you don't have bona fide FBI agents do the dirty work. Just in case things go south, and someone needs to take the blame having an outside team really helps.

You also need a bad guy, because the FBI's funding is controlled by congress, and often debated by the public. Creating a need for enforcement and scaring the shits out of people is a great way to do that.

It also came out that the FBI was doing most of the work in so many "terrorist" cases they busted. In fact, most of the terrorists had to be either talked, threatened or bribed into comitting terrorism, so they FBI could have a dog and pony show.

The FBI has admitted they don't have the skills or resources to go after the real bad guys. So they make something up to present to congress.

If you think the "war on terror" is bad. The drug war is far larger, far more peverse, and far less talked about in its scope.

Comment Re:Water is wet (Score 1) 284

scientists in general do not work to seek a profit. If they did, they wouldn't be scientists. Science is one of the fields with the worst "money you pay for college", with "money you get in job/how hard you work/ability to find work" ratios in existance.

If scientists cared even the slightest about profits, you wouldn't see science done at all.

Comment Re:Most qualified and motivated candidates? (Score 1) 435

Most companies do not hire the person who performs the technical work the best, but the person they think will work the best on a team, a "personality fit" with the company. They take this far more serious than job qualifications.

Most libertarian/conservative theories on wage, hiring, and corporate politics, fall apart when compared against technical and strategic advice seen on hiring websites, trying to get people a job. Personality gets you the job more than raw skills.

Comment Re: Most qualified and motivated candidates? (Score 0) 435

oh its implied. The problem is that its yahoo and google's fault the system is broken, and there aren't qualitied minorities. Call it "selective socialism", when someone, generally a liberal, or even a neo-conservative brings up a generally socialist talking point, but applies it in a very narrow, cherry picked fashion that doesn't tell the whole story to blame someone they wanted to blame.

Part of the reason we don't see women in IT, is because the social ladder is much much much harder on girls than guys. I think society would most likely treat female escorts or strippers better than female IT workers. Especially if a girl had a real drive for technology.

Its a real shame, many of the greatest contributors to computer science were women. Lady Lovelace, Admr Grace Hopper.

Comment Re:Most qualified and motivated candidates? (Score 1) 435

music in general?

Mainstream rock'n'roll industry(not the band or fans, just the suits and corporations), are racist as fuck.

When is the last time you say a black or woman in a rock band, that wasn't underground?

Remember sevendust? I bet you don't, the lead singer was black and they never got airtime. True rockers who know the music know them. Trendies following the radio don't.

When they tell the story of hardcore punk, the punks remember bad brains. The mainstream media does not.

Seeing women in, and women front underground rock bands is quite common. You never see them in the mainstream.

So I think you have a major perception bias. That perception has to do with what the media sold you.

Comment Re:HA, Used by the US Gov. (Score 1) 34

This is where the FBI is trying to flush your respect for anti-sec.

expect infiltrators and turncoats in every org that opposses the government on any level. That shouldn't diminish your respect for what they do, or the org as a whole.

Hector didn't run to the cops. They caught him on some other beef, after he posted some pics online, and then they squeezed him until he cracked.

Comment Re:Shocked Shocked! (Score 1) 34

>Getting paid to rat out other criminals, including much higher level ones, can give him money to survive the next week and avoid crime until he needs the money again.

you make it sounds like criminals hate committing crimes, and won't see it as extra money.

Conversely, it lets the worst of the worst walk, and good people who get caught up in bad situations thrown in jail.

Comment Re:Morons (Score 2) 34

I think you can't call it tinfoil, when the facts confirm the "conspiracy".

The FBI *did* order an attack on an FBI contractor. That fact has been established. That by definition, is a false flag.

Unless by "tinfoil" you mean talking about hard truths that do not portray the US government or its agencies in a flattering light.

Comment Re:Lipstick on a Pig (Score 1) 135

as compared to what?

this "anyone" only sounds scary, until you realize that most mainstream information sources are produced and editted by the worst of people, for the worst of reasons. The worst possible sceneario for wikipedia are the form of scum who run traditional media(world wide, please thing of who runs most media sources world wide), showing up an engaging in edit wars, like we see now.

But lets face it traditional media, is all the scum, without any honest regular joes.

Comment Re:Water is wet (Score 1) 284

>Many scientist want to do science for the sake of science but the vast majority of them do it for someone profit else they wouldn't have funding. Even gov funding is largely about profits and no matter how you slice it, the funding came from profits somewheee in time.

thats right, no one gives a damn about those fucking scientists, its all about the people paying for their lab. They get paid like fucking crap. There was even an article on the hacker news about it. I wouldn't be damn suprised if the people who invent these fancy cancer drugs would ever be able to afford them if they should need them.

Here is a hint, those scientists would be doing science in any system, without monetary reward.

>Now that gates is older, he probably cares about more. He probably understands there is more to life than yourself.

unbased speculation. He cares about his damn image. He knows its his fucking face on the borg icon. Like gangsters buying their in with god with huge gold crosses and giant donations to the church.

Lets also be honest, who's getting the most credit for curing malaria in africa. Is it the lab technicians that synthesize the drug? Is it the scientists who made the breakthroughs? Is it even the hardworking men who load it on pallets?

No. None of us even know their fucking names.

Its Bill Gates.

Bill Gates is a living example, of what is the American ethos. You make money, anyway you can get it, without a care to anything besides money. Once you make your billions, if you still feel bad about being a capitalist, or not working for charity, give some money to humanitarian aid, go buy some good will. Thats the story Bill Gates leaves us. No amount of bullshit speculation, hyperbole, or storytelling will change that.

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