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Comment I dunno, mabey shift the resources into housing (Score 1) 407

Mabey either shift the resources back into housing the homeless, mabey we can close the prisons, save some money and give it back to the tax payers.

We could probably rent the grounds to paintballers, airsofties and the military for tacticle manuevers, as all three groups would probably go apeshit nuts to do this.

We might turn this into parks, perhaps save one or two as a muesem to epic failure of mass incarceration of non-violent offenders.

Comment Re:And? (Score 1) 367

There are a handful of links between PETA and ALF, but the two are radically diffrent organizations. That said, PETA does not engage in terrorism on its own right.

I personally think PETA is fucking insane, but terrorists they are not, and you've shown me nothing conclusive that PETA is actively involved in terrorism, other than linking to ALF. Don't get me wrong, I'm not apologizing for PETA, and I think they are a bunch of jackasses, but I really don't think they are any worse than garden variety trolls. The major diffrence is that if you ignore PETA, they'll go away. If you ignore ALF, they'll blow you up.

ALF(like their inspiration ELF), are, as you've stated real terrorist groups. PETA and greenpeace are not. There are much broader implications than PETA and greenpeace in being overly broad with your classification of terrorism and terrorist groups. This, and how the US government treats terrorism are a far bigger issue that effects far more people than terrorism itself.

Comment Re:Systemd (Score 1) 993

Look: This is an init system, not a new kernel, and not a new c library. It does not take system calls. All programs will still run. All you really need to do to port daemons is make new systemd units to replace scripts in. Unless you were dense enough to hardcode those calls, and then simple bash script shims that function the same. The other big issue is you might need syslog functionaility, something you can turn on in systemd.

your code will work just fine. I know this, because I know how a UNIX-like OS works.

I can already tell your outfit is a joke. you don't have a testing enviroment? Where is devops? systemd is Free as in beer as well as Free as in speech. I won't tell you how to do your job, but simply downloading CentOS, something Redhat actually approves of, and trying it in your testing enviroment, before you load it on your RHEL servers

If I worked for your company, I would guarantee your code would run on RHEL7. Your not paying me so I can't guaruntee anything for you, or more correctly, I won't. That is the exact wrong attitude.

I took a few business courses in college and they warned me about people like you. They said if people either stick to dogma, or can't tell you why things work, leave, because they don't have a clue what they are doing.

Comment Re:Oblig xkcd (Score 1) 220

When it comes to big scary unknown things like computer hacking, just about all bit of common decency goes out the window.

They held kevin mitnick without charge for a long time before letting him out. That was pre-9/11.

They just have to claim your an "enemy combatant", or some other class that no applying law applies too

Comment Re:Oblig xkcd (Score 1) 220

I have no idea.

but the point is, to force the cops to need a warrant, or the courts to need a subopena, where you have other methods fo defending yourself such as lawyers. We aren't trying to stop all police actions, just police abuse. One of the tell-tale signs is subversive activity, such as the cops not fully disclosing to the public, or even the government they report to the full extent of their activities, making it impossible for any true reform of the police.

When you have strong encryption, you make it harder for the police to be subversive, electronicly.

Comment Re:Oblig xkcd (Score 4, Insightful) 220

Even with "manditory key disclosure" durring criminal trials, you have the benefit of needing to go to trial to give up your keys. The police can't randomly search your data, which encryption the police cannot break becomes a major lever against police abusing their power. Thats the point. They need a warrant, which means they need a judge, and probable cause, and a paper trail you can fight in court.

Even if thats all bogus, it becomes public record, so the public can have an informed debate over who the police are searching and why.

As opposed to breakable crypto, where the cops can just crack anyone's setup, without the need for justification.

Comment Re:Just can't win... (Score 1) 367

If by win, you mean "please everyone on planet earth", then no.

But if you read the rest of the comments, you'll see the rest of us think PETA is flaming mad, and need to shut the fuck up.

Add one more to your list:

More people would seriously be pissed at google for kow-towing to PETA that people would ever be pissed at google for using the camels.

I think we need to revamp all articles about PETA to "PETA threatens technology XYZ with their batshit insane ramblings"

Comment Re:but (Score 1) 367

I don't think anyone actually supports PETA. I think the vast majority of the nerd population is fine with camels, or at least from reading this thread.

PETA concerns itself with nothing more than self-promotion than anything else, and they are they are obviously the "westboro baptist church" of protest organizations.

I think I speak for everyone when we consider anyone following the advice of PETA an extremely bad thing, and any organization that actually listens to PETA would be strikes against them.

I would be really disapointed in google if they listened to a word PETA says.

Comment Re:And? (Score 1) 367

>implying greenpeace and PETA are a terrorist organizations.

exactly what we meant when the word "terrorist" has become an overused buzzword for everyone we don't like, in order to bypass any and all laws regarding their rights and saftey.

PETA might be an absurd organization, thats laughable, but terrorists they are not.

Greenpeace might be a little harsh, but they are also not terrorists.

Comment Fuck Celebrities (Score 1) 622

There is absolute zero outrage when someone of the working class has their unauthorized nudes posted, and revenge porn sites exist with impunity. This is not going to change this. I don't give a fuck about celebrities. Zero fucks given.

The real question is, why is this only brought up when its a bunch of celebrities. Why do "feminist" groups seem to use their resources to defend celebrities and leave working class gals in the dark. Take this, along with your pink fracking drill bits and shove it up your ass. Feminism has turned into a privledge for an elite of women who are able to afford it.

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