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Comment Re: Should be Alternative Language Requirement (Score 1) 426

And you get some history lessons for free:
Das Ding = thing, gender neutral
Das Baby = baby, gender neutral
Das Kleinkind = small child, gender neutral

Das MÃdchen = girl, gender neutral
Der Junge = boy, masculine

Das FrÃulein = unmarried woman, gender neutral
Die Frau = married woman, feminine
Der Mann = unmarried or married man, male

You see the pattern :-)

Nowadays calling a woman "FrÃulein" is mostly considered rude, though :-)

Comment Civil forfeiture (Score 2) 177

So they can take away whatever they want without proving you guilty in due process just because? Wow.
This is about the most ridiculous and frightening thing I read in a while and I would have expected it to happen in China (sorry, my predjudices) and not in the US. Wow, again.

Comment Re:Looks can be deceiving... (Score 1) 192

What a remarkable person she was, what a beautiful couple you have been.
And what a remarkable person you still seem to be!
I sincerley hope that some day soon you'll give somebody else the chance of getting close to you.
Because otherwise it would be a loss to that person and that does not really seem fair to me :-)

Comment Re:There are already similar sites (Score 1) 192

> The problem is that photos, generally, look less attractive than people do in real life,

Sorry, but this is nonsense and only valid if you do not spend enough time on choosing / making the right pictures. Yourself and the one reading your profile deserve your passion to finding the right picture and text.
And maybe ask some friends of the gender your interested in whether the picture you like most of yourself really is THE picture to use as a first impression :-)

Comment Names please (Score 1) 194

Whenever I read something like this it makes me wonder what "plausible" software is the means of infection.
I may be naive but I can not imagine that any of the companies and individuals I install stuff of on my machines would be shady enough.

What stupid stuff from what shady source do I have to install to get a Bitcoin-Miner I didn't ask for?

Comment Re:Supermodels (Score 1) 192

Maybe this:

"You have most likely all the resources to be an attractive person for a group of people large enough to find some corresponding most significant other(s)."

I consider it highly unlikely that you need plastic surgery to do so. Your nose is not what keeps you a from finding a partner, online or offline.

( >40yo GWM in an relationship of > 10 years here. Not because we are supermodels but because we're trying to stay "attractive" out of respect for the other. )

Comment Supermodels (Score 2) 192

> if you are Average Joe and try asking out Supermodels Ann, Barbara and Cheryl, you're unlikely to get a reply.

This sounds funny.
From my experience many people I consider being quite above average visual attractiveness are attracted to decent Average Joes/Janes - if they are interesting, do stuff, learn interesting things, are caring, etc pp...
Even musicians, actors/actresses and models.

However, (Miss|Mister)-US-Of-Dumbnut may be only attracted to each other, but that's natures way keeping the carnage to the gene-pool low.

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