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Comment Re:Please explain (Score 4, Insightful) 74

For all intents and purposes, the objects are the same distance from Earth. They're 450 light-years from each other and both are approximately 4.3 BILLION light-years from Earth. The maximum difference in distance between object A and Earth and object B and Earth is 0.000010465116% (450 / 4.3x10^9 * 100). Close enough to the same distance. For reference, the same delta applied to 1 AU (93,000,000 mile Earth-Sun distance) yields 9.73 miles.

Comment Re:Does shower mean soap? (Score 1) 250

I'm also curious about your anecdote, was this gentleman aware of his odor? If so, how was he made aware? You mentioned a second opinion from an unbiased source, can you be more specific?

It depends on your definition of 'aware' - had he been told, yes. Could he sense it? I don't think so. I don't think he believes it when told there was a problem because I truly believe he couldn't smell it himself. It would be like trying to convince a pre-19th century person that disease was caused by tiny critters he couldn't see and not bad air that he could clearly smell.

As for the unbiased second opinion, I was suggesting to the OP that he ask someone who's not a friend or family (his words). Perhaps a doctor or nurse at his next checkup, or some other person who has no vested interest in telling him what they think he wants to hear; no one wants to delivery the news that "you stink".

Comment Re:Does shower mean soap? (Score 5, Informative) 250

Using soap in general isn't something I feel is needed since a regular rinsing leaves me non smelly.

According to your nose you may be non-smelly. Perhaps you're like a coworker of mine that could not smell BO. He didn't think he needed to wash regularly or use deodorant since he couldn't smell himself. Being an avid runner, he STANK most of the time; I mean he reeked to the point of making people's eyes water.

You really don't want to be 'that guy'. You might want to get a second opinion from an unbiased source (not "friends and family").

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