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Comment So, I want to know... (Score 1) 75

when the world is going to say "enough is enough" with these vermin, and drop them in some sort of Escape From NY type of gulag.

The world has enough problems facing it without these walking human cancers wreaking financial and technological destruction in their path.

Oh, I forgot all of our prison spaces are full of people enjoying natural herbs, silly, me, I forgot about such high-priority things like that.

Comment Re:Robocalls from a clever business (Score 1) 167

The answer to these people is easy. Leave a phone number for a contact, and when they call to schedule, make one. Except just not at your house.

Do that every time they call, and maybe they'll get the message that this is a less-than-effective means of advertising. Technical solutions are great, but sometimes, the old-fashioned scam-baiting is the best.

Comment Re:Three Laws (Score 1) 305

Even worse than that, many of his stories had robots doing all kinds of crazy, counter-intuitive things which at first glance appeared to completely and totally violate the 3 laws! However, upon careful investigation, it turned out that the robots, from their perspective, were actually faithfully obeying them- thus calling into question whether such a simplistic set of rules can ever truly work as originally intended.

Comment Re:People should pay for their choices (Score 1) 842

If the people who have unhealthy diet/lifestyle constitute a negative effect on the health care system, isn't it also true that they would prevent a positive effect on the Social Security/retirement system, since they are more likely to die sooner?

If we can presume to tax them for the degree they burden the health care system, shouldn't we credit/reward them for not requiring as many retirement payments as other people?

Comment Re:kids are worried ... (Score 4, Informative) 491

Of course kids are scared about global warming/climate change/whatever. For years now, it has been pushed on them relentlessly in the public schools. Remember that 'Captain Planet' environmental cartoon from years back, where every industrialist/capitalist was evil and had to be defeated? That was just the beginning. The level of outright propaganda that kids receive would make Goebbels smile. And, of course, that is completely independent on whether or not there really -is- some sort of man-induced climate changes occurring, and to what degree. The sad thing is that -both- sides of this debate have become so hopelessly politicized, that its hard to tell just where the truth is.

Comment Re:How about we just stop "helping" (Score 1) 592

Let's assume that we do dump even more billions into Africa, and make it sustainable agriculturally. To the extent that the culture and technology has been raised there, what can the world expect from it? Would it be more of what we're seeing now? What -have- we gotten for all the past aid, except massive amounts of fraud and corruption? Does the world really need a billion more 419 scammers?

Comment Re:illegal regulation of interstate commerce? (Score 1) 200

Is it there any human activity whatsoever, that can't be considered to "affect" interstate commerce by some tortured logic? Because that is precisely what they do now. That clause has become the universal excuse by which they insert their noses into every single aspect of our lives. Let's try it: someone propose some human activity. Then, let's try to imagine how it can conceivably "affect" interstate commerce. Here's a start- this is a real-live example. A farmer was forbidden from growing wheat on his own farm, for his own use. The excuse was, since was consuming his own wheat, he didn't need to buy it from someone else. Therefore he "affected" interstate commerce by not needing to buy wheat elsewhere, that is generally traded nationally. (Wickard v. Filburn, 1942)

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