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Comment Re:So to cicumvent the screen locker... (Score 1) 375

Reminds me of my university days...

When someone walked away for an extended period without locking their terminal, one of us would sneak over and do a quick 'xhost +' and then wait for them to come back.

Once they sit down and start working again, we would run 2 dozen copies of neko on their terminal, resulting in a mass of little animated kittens chasing their mouse cursor.

Ah, the lost days of innocent fun.

We'd run `xset s 1` so that the screen saver would kick in after one second of inactivity.

Comment Re:Obligatory Joke (Score 2) 60

We'd probably have records with twenty parallel grooves and reading heads with 40 or more needles.

I'm an old fart. I worked on a Burroughs B3500 back in the 70s. The "Disk Module" was a 10MB cabinet about 4 ft by 4ft by 2ft. It had 4 platters and there was one head per track. Seek time was non-existent but rotational delay was a bitch.

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