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Comment Re:tips (Score 3, Informative) 129

I second the Ting recommendation. You can set up alerts and based on your preferences the alert can simply tell you when you are reaching a limit or completely disable the feature (data in this case) before you exceed the limit. If you are determined to stay below 2GB then Ting's pricing should also please. I have two lines and rarely pay over $50 a month. And if you use a referral link you get a $25 credit to apply to a phone or service. You pay for your own phone but if you have a Sprint or T-Mobile compatible device already then you should be able to use it on Ting.

Comment Re:Liquid Coolants (Score 2) 67

I have been looking at 3M's NOVEC line of products for a couple of years. 3M claims their fluids are safe and I've seen it demonstrated a couple of times. I'm wondering how this compares. I've seen it for sale for around $250 gallon so it aint cheap but the cooling savings over time should more than pay for itself.

Comment Re:Goodbye free speech (Score 1) 210

(which is silly because you can yell fire in a theater if, you know, the theater is on fire).

Actually I don't believe you can legally. The law was created in the belief the panic from hearing fire yelled would do more harm than good as panic stricken patrons trampled over each other to get out.

I'm not sure how you notify them without striking fear into them but I'm sure the law addresses that in the details /s

Comment Re:Literally the only useful thing to me (Score 1) 219

We started getting the latest batch of X250's and the only LEDs are on the power button and the dot of the i in ThinkPad!? It's impossible to know if it's doing anything at times and it's frustrating as hell.

As far as OS you might want to give Linux Mint a try. They do a respectable job of polishing Ubuntu into a quite capable system.

Comment Re:I'm spending 60% of my monthly income on rent (Score 1) 940

Zoning laws are the problem not the solution. Politicians write zoning laws and they often write them to benefit their BFF or themselves. Houston is the only large city without zoning and while it has its own set of oddities because of it it has allowed the evolution of the city in a way a zoned city never could. When the industrially concentrated areas near downtown started to dry up as companies moved their operations to more tax friendly locals developers swooped in and created master planned communities and completely revitalized the area. Fifteen years ago the only people living downtown were homeless but several vacated office and hotels buildings were repurposed as lofts and condos and now there is a thriving community inside. It's not all roses...There was a used car lot on a major freeway that got a new neighbor selling fertilizer. That always cracked me up.

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