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Comment Re:This actually makes perfect sense. (Score 3, Informative) 117

Except water vapor is the gaseous form of water; the plankton would have to be transported on individual molecules of water to reach the ionosphere.

If plankton were transportable in microscopic *droplets* in the troposphere as you suggest, a more plausible explanation is that the equipment was contaminated -- both the station itself and the gear used to test it.

Comment Re:Trust, but verify (Score 1) 170

I disagree. It means trust but don't rely entirely on trust when you have other means at your disposal.

Consider a business deal. You take the contract to your lawyer and he puts all kinds of CYA stuff that supposedly protects you against bad faith. But let me tell you: if the other guy is dealing in bad faith you're going to regret getting mixed up with him, even if you've got the best lawyer in the world working on the contract. So you should only do critical deals with parties you trust.

But if the deal is critical, you should still bring the lawyer in. Why? Because situtations change. Ownership and management change. Stuff can look different when stuff doesn't go the way everyone hoped. People can act differently under pressure. Other people working at the other company might not be as trustworthy as the folks sitting across the table from you. All kinds of reasons.

So you trust, but verify that the other party can't stab you in the back, because neither method is 100% effective. It's common sense in business, and people usually don't take it personally. When they *do*, then that's kind of fishy in my opinion.

Comment Re:Depleted Uranium? (Score 1) 61

Yeah, this caught my eye as well. :)

How much fuel does it take to put a kg of DU on Mars? I would bet it's substantial.

Not only do you have to get it off Earth, You have to slow it down at the end of the trip, unless you want to dig it up and recast it, lol.
"Shielding Shipped Separately." :)

Not to mention the fact that a solid foot of DU won't "stop" Cosmics; I see ~4V pulses, ~1 per minute most times on systems that see a 511kev pulse at about 200mV. Dealing with that is an important part of a design, lol.

That's just the amount of energy it was able to dump in my detector after going thru a foot or so of lead; it kept going. :)


If Fusion Is the Answer, We Need To Do It Quickly 305

Lasrick writes: Yale's Jason Parisi makes a compelling case for fusion power, and explains why fusion is cleaner, safer, and doesn't provide opportunities for nuclear smuggling and proliferation. The only downside will be the transition period, when there are both fission and fusion plants available and the small amount of "booster" elements (tritium and deuterium) found in fusion power could provide would-be proliferators what they need to boost the yield of fission bombs: "The period during which both fission and fusion plants coexist could be dangerous, however. Just a few grams of deuterium and tritium are needed to increase the yield of a fission bomb, in a process known as 'boosting.'" Details about current research into fusion power and an exploration of relative costs make fusion power seem like the answer to a civilization trying to get away from fossil fuels.

Comment not true at all (Score 5, Insightful) 133

Businesses across the globe have been innovating for decades, while farming has been using techniques that have been handed down from centuries ago.

That's not true at all. Maybe in some hobby farms, but at a large scale (which is where most food actually comes from), farming in 2014 is nothing like farming in 1914. Modern agribusiness is highly automated, which is why the proportion of the U.S. population engaged in farm work has declined from about 30% to about 2%, while food production has increased.

Comment Re:Long overdue (Score 1) 748

"A merchant has to be able to make money to keep the lights on and pay the rent. A merchant is subject to physical constraints. A merchant is PAYING for the things they present to you."

A website has to pay to host, to maintain the system. If you have never been involved with even a medium sized website you would not dismiss those costs.

Comment Re:Long overdue (Score 1) 748

That is where things go pearshaped.
A website that does not allow you to post x is not stopping your freedom of speech. You can post on other websites or start your own.
Your freedom of speech is not being infringed on.
You are allowed to say whatever you want "within reason aka slander, fraud, and so on" you have no right to say it everywhere.

Comment Re:Long overdue (Score 0) 748

So any store that only carries Organic foods is censoring?
Yours is a definition with difference.
We do not carry x because our customer base does not want it.
If you do not carry it of course people do not go there to buy it.

By your definition CVS is censoring the tobacco companies by not selling tobacco products in the future.
They sold them for years and we know people want them so CVS is being evil and censoring?

Comment Re:Long overdue (Score 1) 748

1. Censorship only applies to governments.

A website or a store deciding that they do to carry a product is not.
Whole Foods does not sell Coke.
A tee shirt stop may not want to carry a KKK or Hitler tee shirt.
A website may not want posts that are offensive.
The nice thing is you can always start your own Website or store or go to different store or website.

That being said, why is this offensive speech worthy of protection and not, anti-semitic, anti-christian, anti-islamic, anti-gay, pro-abortion, anti-abortion,.....

Comment Re:Sigh (Score 1) 748

" it will be full of people accusing the women involved of attacking them personally and of being whiney bitches."
1. The first part may be true. I have had men attack me personally on Slashdot and women could do the very same thing.
2. The second part is simple bigotry.

Misogyny is the hate or strong dislike of women. That is simply a lack of respect for or bias of women. Still not okay but actual Misogyny usually is reserved from much more extreme actions.

It is also not even bias to say that a women is personally attacking you if you feel that is what is happening anymore than it is bias to say a male is attacking you personally if you feel that way.

Comment Re:No real need. (Score 1) 382

Correct it would be exploitable. Some people might only be jerks when they are posting as an AC while reasonable when not. If they are universal jerks that would be found out soon enough. Frankly I do not like the blocking terminology on slashdot since it sound combative plus it shows who you have blocked to the world as well as who had blocked you.

Frankly I can put up with most of the posts on Slashdot even the vile ones but I just can not recommend it to some younger people that I know. I would love an option to auto moderate down profanity or obscure it at the readers option but these are all just suggestions and I can in no way force these on anyone. For some reason people get bent when people say things like this.

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