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Comment Re:Shorter d_r: (Score 1) 67

We really have to put some newspaper under you, for moments when you overflow like this. To drop the current egregious example, the Iran deal Congressional shortcutting, and taking the sell-out straight to the Untied Nations is not even "kinda" conservative. In a rational time (and this sure as balls ain't) this particular stunt would be more impeachy than simply peachy.

Comment Re:Shorter d_r: (Score 1) 67

Furthermore your constant state of goalpost-moving - particularly the fact that you are able to support your team in part but anyone of any other team must support their team 110% of the time - is again noted.

Is that like when you try to typecast #OccupyResoluteDesk to "conservative", or do you have some other meaning in mind?

Comment Re:Sling me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast (Score 1) 112

Honestly cable should be crystal clear.

Of course the best part of all this is that to keep with the bazillion different cable channels out there, and the limited (125 or so) RF channels that they also have to share with cable modems, they try to cram as many sub-channels on the same RF channel as possible, at least 10 or so for SD channels, re-compressing them to lower quality. Meanwhile, my antenna gets a full-quality HD signal that maybe only has to share with one or two SD channels. (FWIW, I think cable QAM gives twice the bit rate per channel as antenna ATSC, but still.)

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