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Comment Re:Things to learn from the Open Source model (Score 1) 640

Someone with points, please un-troll this. Just because we don't like what they are saying or just because they are partly wrong does not make this a troll. Open Source projects often ARE incomplete. The author often codes enough to solve their problem, then shares what they've got with the world. This is a good thing and benefits us all but to non-tech users or less-experienced engineers it's just unfinished code.

Burglar Nabbed By Backup Program 98

Bruce Perens writes "A Berkeley, California, burglar engineered his own arrest, and that of his girlfriend, when he stole a laptop and used it as his personal computer. He didn't realize that the laptop had an automatic backup program, and that the photos he took were being copied to his victim's backup repository. Berkeley police recognized him, and his location, from the photos."

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