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Comment Why didnt NASA contact KSat about the issue? (Score 1) 261

KSat(Kongsberg Satellite Services AS) are the ones maintaining communication with the satellites from Svalbard. The manager there said that they haven't been contacted by NASA about the issue, and they have also not found any evidence that that they have been hacked.

Comment Re:rewrite swing from scratch or stop right now (Score 1) 292

eclipse is SWT/JFACE, not AWT/SWING. Doesnt use 500 megs on my system...around 320(eclipse classic 3.7). SWT is also very fast GUI wise compared to swing, as it uses JNI do display native GUI elements. Who cares about ram usage on clients these days anyway...its cheap. Most systems have 4GB+ RAM now anyway. Vuze(former azureus) and lotus notes are also using SWT for GUI.

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