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Comment Re:Adoption by large organizations limits extincti (Score 1) 547

Which is why COBOL won't die. It does what it is designed to do really really well. That and the cost to "just rewrite it in java" is too high. When people tell me "just rewrite it in java" I just shake my head and walk away. They are the type of people who think a seventy page website is a "big" project. I worked at a company where just printing the working storage section took a ream of paper, double sided. Granted whoever let the program grow so big should have been dragged into the street and beaten to death with the printer, but there are BILLIONS of lines of COBOL code out their, doing your taxes, house mortgages, credit card interest, etc. etc. Boring fvcken language though, glad I only did 4 years of it before getting out.

Comment Re:This doesn't add up (Score 2) 83

They rotate all servicing of the machines, George the serviceman does not have a fixed route, it would be too easy to set up an ambush if the routines were fixed. They do log everything of course, but there is nothing stopping George from going to the ATM six months later to withdraw some money when he will never be suspected. This kind of hack requires a lot of collaboration between parties.
a) The programmer(s) working for the bank
b) The people servicing the ATM's
Unless of course the ATM's in question are one of those generic cash machines instead of custom made bank ATM's

Comment Re:Wow, that was quick. (Score 1) 72

I imagine most first world governments have a cyber division by now, who are quietly searching for exploits, and when one is found it's put into a database for future use, and not reported to whoever made the software. I'll but when shellshock was discovered by external security researchers there was a collective "Aaah Damn It!" from the NSA.

Comment Why is this news (Score 2) 145

Any site will collapse if there is an unusually high volume of traffic. Why spend millions in hardware that is going to idle just to cater for the odd spike or /. effect. I don't even know why this is news? Are they going to post an article each time /. or twitter et al accidently drops someone's website because of a post?

Comment Re:Fristy Pawst! (Score 1) 475

That's because 95% of them are uneducated and swallow the rhetoric the politicians shit out, mixed in with ballot rigging and violence and intimidation at the voting booth. One thing Mugabe did right in Zimbabwe was to raise the education level, still ended up being a shit hole though so...

Comment Re:Start menu usage dropped in lieu of what? (Score 2) 269

I disagree, what's the harm in pinning your most commonly used programs to the task bar? You do realise that right clicking most programs (Visual studio, any office program even UltraEdit) brings up a convenient list of recently open documents / projects. For outlook you can create new emails, appointments etc without having to go into Outlook.

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