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Comment Re:It's actually worse than that (Score 1) 49

If you go back and actually read the comments you'll see I never accused you of directly calling for assassination but rather pointed out that once you remove all protections of the law that are intended to protect everyone you should be aware of the likely outcome.

You trolled, and I called you on it. Like the time you accused me of plagiarism, on a piece that had no by-line. You just have zero (0) credibility with me. Sorry if that hurts your pride.

Comment Re:What's your point? (Score 1) 29

What's to know about Communism? Marx preached "the Kingdom of God, hold the God", and Soviet Communism was essentially Naziism without such an overt anti-Semitic streak. Any centralized, planned economy is a policy of failure.
And no, I'm not going to read every brain-dead reference you proffer, lest I join you. Go read Jonah Goldberg.

Comment Re:"Are you doing this just to waste. . ." (Score 1) 24

I never once claimed to have any such superiority over you

Even your punctuation is condescending.

Truth and morality are orthogonal dimensions, just as socialism and fascism are orthogonal political ideas.

Oh, maybe in the abstract. Dare you involve actual people, and everything goes pear-shaped. This is why the genius of the U.S. Constitution is to assert outright that people are evil, and set up checks and balances to minimize the effects. Which #OccupyResoluteDesk is systematically ignoring, while Congress and the Courts, as a whole, are abetting.
Your assertion of the orthogonality of socialism and fascism is akin to saying that your C++ source code is crash-free--of course it is: until you compile it, execute it, and blame the ensuing stack trace on conservatives.

Comment Re:What's your point? (Score 1) 29

turning the absurdity up to 11, just because I dared challenge you to learn something

Your assertions that (a) you hold knowledge, (b) I lack such, and (c) I'm not even trying to learn, are really kind of insulting, don't you think?

User Journal

Journal Journal: So this problem isn't new, or owned by either party 58

The arguments by which the Obama administration is countering lawsuits that seek to limit Obamacare subsidies to participants in "exchanges" established by states--a limit that is specified in the Obamacare law itself--have raised the outcome's stakes. Administration officials argue that the plain, unmistakable, uncontested language of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is

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