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Comment Re:Needs to read Revelation (Score 1) 8

Revelation speaks of a metaphysical Jerusalem, not a material physical one. The latter interpretation only arose in the last couple hundred years, with the printing of Bibles as a commonplace, and people reading - for the first time in history - visionary journey of the soul as a literal accounting of place and event.

Sad. It is the debasement of spiritual things, to say they acquire reality when identified as basically material in foundation.

The Matrix

Journal Journal: Chosen People == Master Race 8

"Greek-Melchite Archbishop Cyrille Bustros sparked an interreligious firestorm when he suggested that Israel was 'using Scripture' to continue its occupation of Palestinian territory. The Archbishop then questioned the biblical idea of a "promised land" set aside by a specific group of people.

Comment Re:reviews (Score 1) 4

She can read Cyrillic then, too. ;-) Well, probably. Everybody with Tito-educations, did they get this? The script was Latin, then.

Pity about how Jugoslavic federation was destroyed by plutocratic opportunists and the American drug-empire.

Comment The Usefulness of Expanding Basic Human Rights? (Score 1) 29

It allows post-Imperial states additional pretext to launch attacks, while subverting dissent for these actions at home.

Remember how the US Department of State covered Afghanistan with clusterbombs and drone strikes - to "protect women's rights to vote and attend school"?

"Russia and Iran must be punished for their repression of homosexuals! It's EXACTLY like the holocaust!" Trust me - this is the shit you will be fed by every schill in the business, from David Brooks to Jonah Goldberg.

Comment Zactly (Score 1) 29

Same as the pseudo-progressive fight for gays in the military.

I got SCREAMED at on the street, by a dreadlocked, nose-ringed petition canvasser a year or so back. She asked "Will you sign my petition to allow gays in the military?" To which I responded:

"Absolutely not. I don't believe that anybody should be in the military, and that support of supplying personnel to a so-called "peace time" military is a form of soft-fascist statism. Why do gays need the same opportunity to kill foreign babies for General Electric that straight people have?"


"So, your answer to my point-of-view is 'Love it or leave it?', then? That used to be the John Birch Society position."

The next chokings from her throat were relatively incoherent. And I was actually shaken by the explosion of anger she directed at me, and was now moving quickly out of earshot.

I believe that she would have responded in a more reasoned and level way, to a challenge by Pastor Pat Robertson. After all, he'd accuse her of having warped principles. I indicated that she was a traitor to her supposed values.

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